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With a grateful heart I shall now endeavor to fulfill a...
With a grateful heart I shall now endeavor to fulfill a desire to testify to the many blessings which have come to me and mine through the study and application of Christian Science.
Over fourteen years ago Christian Science was lovingly presented to me at a time of great need and when I was earnestly praying to God for help and strength, for my burden seemed greater than I could bear. I immediately commenced the study of our textbook. Although I had not known anything about Christian Science up to this time, it was not long before I saw that it was the truth about God and His spiritual creation, and I am humbly grateful to God for revealing this wonderful religion to me. Through the loving help which I received from a practitioner I was soon healed of lumbago, from which I had suffered a great deal of pain at intervals for years. I was also healed of impaired vision and laid aside eyeglasses which I have never needed since.
In our family there have been many healings of sickness and effects of accident. Pneumonia, paralysis, infantile paralysis, sprained ankles, severe injury from a cut, burns, croup, and many other difficulties have been healed. The case of infantile paralysis was very severe, and it was more than two weeks before the healing came, but we depended absolutely on the practitioner's understanding of God and His spiritual law, and I read Science and Health constantly. The boy has now grown into a healthy, sturdy youngster. Recently I was healed of a very painful and stubborn sickness which held me for months.
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April 28, 1934 issue
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After the Storm
No Compromise with Matter
Dispossessing Error
Timely Action
Independence and Dependence
Concerning Contests
Autosuggestion relies on the operation of the human...
The Hon. C. Augustus Norwood, Committee on Publication for The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Massachusetts,
In a recent issue of your paper there are quotations from...
Mrs. Isabel Hillier, Committee on Publication for Cape Province, South Africa,
In a recent issue of the Morning News, a doctor, in...
Merrill M. Hutchinson, Committee on Publication for the State of Georgia,
I have read with much interest and appreciation the...
B. Tatham Woodhead, Committee on Publication for Lancashire, England,
Our Heritage of Good
Duncan Sinclair
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Faye Hanford
I became interested in Christian Science while searching...
Edward F. Schuerer
For several years I had suffered with indigestion and...
Sylph Yarnton Mills
With a grateful heart I shall now endeavor to fulfill a...
Mary E. Topping
As I am one of the many thousands who have been...
Harry M. Childs with contributions from Elma G. Childs
O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his...
Bessie Winsor
I am most grateful for what Christian Science has done...
Maude Goodwin Jokerst
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Walter Murdoch, John McDowell