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For several years I had suffered with indigestion and...
For several years I had suffered with indigestion and asthma, the latter condition becoming steadily worse. A doctor told me that if I had an internal operation, I should in all probability be cured. I submitted to two operations, and as soon as I was strong enough I traveled to my people in New Zealand to recuperate. For a short time I was fairly well, only very weak, but gradually the whole condition came back in a more severe form; the asthma became chronic and several other complications set in. I again went to a doctor, but he could do nothing for me, and medicines were of no avail. There seemed to be no relief for me, and I became very much depressed; but it was then that I found that "man's extremity is God's opportunity." I was persuaded to go to a Christian Science practitioner who was a visitor to my home town. After three weeks' treatment I was able to book my passage back to Australia, traveling with my small son of five.
The chronic state of asthma was completely broken, and in place of extreme weakness I found strength; and gradually by studying earnestly, and with the help of practitioners, I was completely healed. We have not used any medicine in our home for eight years; all our troubles have been overcome through the application of Christian Science.
I am sincerely grateful for membership in The Mother Church and also a branch church, in which I have had the privilege of serving as Reading Room librarian for three years. I am also grateful for having had the blessing of class instruction.—(Mrs.) Sylph Yarnton Mills, Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia.
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April 28, 1934 issue
View Issue-
After the Storm
No Compromise with Matter
Dispossessing Error
Timely Action
Independence and Dependence
Concerning Contests
Autosuggestion relies on the operation of the human...
The Hon. C. Augustus Norwood, Committee on Publication for The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Massachusetts,
In a recent issue of your paper there are quotations from...
Mrs. Isabel Hillier, Committee on Publication for Cape Province, South Africa,
In a recent issue of the Morning News, a doctor, in...
Merrill M. Hutchinson, Committee on Publication for the State of Georgia,
I have read with much interest and appreciation the...
B. Tatham Woodhead, Committee on Publication for Lancashire, England,
Our Heritage of Good
Duncan Sinclair
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Faye Hanford
I became interested in Christian Science while searching...
Edward F. Schuerer
For several years I had suffered with indigestion and...
Sylph Yarnton Mills
With a grateful heart I shall now endeavor to fulfill a...
Mary E. Topping
As I am one of the many thousands who have been...
Harry M. Childs with contributions from Elma G. Childs
O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his...
Bessie Winsor
I am most grateful for what Christian Science has done...
Maude Goodwin Jokerst
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Walter Murdoch, John McDowell