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I became interested in Christian Science while searching...
I became interested in Christian Science while searching for means that would bring healing to a member of my family when many physicians had failed. The study of the Bible, which previously I had not taken seriously because I did not understand it, together with the study of the Christian Science textbook, the book that taught me to love and understand the Bible, and the loving help of a practitioner began "the renewing of [my] mind."
The tobacco habit of twenty-three years' duration was instantly overcome, and the desire for coffee and other stimulants left my thought at the same time. A disposition to be critical of others has gradually given way to a more loving thought toward my neighbor. The claims of envy, doubt, hatred, and jealousy, which attempt to find lodgment in my consciousness as coming through person, find diminishing acceptance. My growth in the understanding of God, Spirit, and of the real man in God's image and likeness is responsible for this.
Four years ago a prolonged burden of anxiety finally resulted in great mental darkness and physical discord. I became so engulfed in fear that for months I could not find rest day or night, and although I read and studied almost constantly, little progress seemed evident. I am unceasingly grateful for the encouragement and guidance received at that time, for it planted my feet in the true path, did not allow me to waver in the expectancy that God would heal me, and cast out the aggressive suggestion that I have a physical examination. The beginning of my freedom from this mesmerism came about in a Christian Science Reading Room while reading an article in The Christian Science Journal. It spoke of God's law—that this law is ever present and ever operative, that it meets every problem of human experience for those who appeal to this law and are willing and ready to lay down their own sense of human will. All anxiety and fear left me. My thought was so uplifted, and such a sense of gratitude for God's love and for our revered Leader came over me, that for a long time I sat rejoicing in the unfoldment that had taken place in my consciousness. A peace that words cannot express had taken possession of me. This peace that Christ, Truth, gives us comes from spiritual understanding, the realization of the ever-presence and omnipotence of God.
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April 28, 1934 issue
View Issue-
After the Storm
No Compromise with Matter
Dispossessing Error
Timely Action
Independence and Dependence
Concerning Contests
Autosuggestion relies on the operation of the human...
The Hon. C. Augustus Norwood, Committee on Publication for The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Massachusetts,
In a recent issue of your paper there are quotations from...
Mrs. Isabel Hillier, Committee on Publication for Cape Province, South Africa,
In a recent issue of the Morning News, a doctor, in...
Merrill M. Hutchinson, Committee on Publication for the State of Georgia,
I have read with much interest and appreciation the...
B. Tatham Woodhead, Committee on Publication for Lancashire, England,
Our Heritage of Good
Duncan Sinclair
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Faye Hanford
I became interested in Christian Science while searching...
Edward F. Schuerer
For several years I had suffered with indigestion and...
Sylph Yarnton Mills
With a grateful heart I shall now endeavor to fulfill a...
Mary E. Topping
As I am one of the many thousands who have been...
Harry M. Childs with contributions from Elma G. Childs
O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his...
Bessie Winsor
I am most grateful for what Christian Science has done...
Maude Goodwin Jokerst
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Walter Murdoch, John McDowell