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As I am one of the many thousands who have been...
As I am one of the many thousands who have been healed in Christian Science, I feel that I must take advantage of the privilege we have of relating our demonstrations through the columns of our periodicals. In thinking of my childhood days I remember how my dear mother used to read to us from a big old family Bible. At that time we lived in a log house in the backwoods, and as newspapers and other literature were scarce, we took quite an interest in the Scriptures. By the time I was fifteen years old I had studied the Bible more than anything else. Many times I questioned my mother about the healings accomplished by the disciples, and asked why we were unable to do likewise. She would always answer, "We could if we had enough faith." I believed her, but my prayers still seemed to go unanswered.
A short time after I was married my mother passed on. I seemed to lose faith in everything, even doubting if any of the promises in the Bible were true. I became so engulfed in this error that there arose in me a hatred for the church. I would listen to any argument against Christianity and would try to agree with the error, but all this time I knew deep down in my heart that I was wrong. My health kept failing, I became ill, and at last I was pronounced a victim of tuberculosis.
Upon hearing the doctor's verdict, my wife took the eldest child into the bedroom and kneeled down and prayed. She has related many times since how happy she felt after that prayer, and that she knew her prayer was answered. It was; for a few days later I was informed by a friend that I could be healed in Christian Science. I knew nothing about this Science at that time, and willingly accepted the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." I did not realize that it would be necessary for me to change in order to be healed. I thought I might look into it, as I was told that many people had been healed by reading the book, but had I known that this book was going to make a Christian out of me I might have refused to read it. This was the mental state that I was in when I took up the study, and although I spent a great deal of time reading the book very carefully, I kept getting worse instead of better. All the time I was reading I could see that the Christian Science textbook was the most logical explanation of the Scriptures I had ever seen, and also that to derive any benefit therefrom I should have to accept the teachings of the Bible. There was a struggle, but when I came to myself and put Christianity before everything else, I started to mend. In a short time I was completely healed; and about a year later I was healed of the tobacco habit in one night, and have had no desire for the weed since. These healings took place over twelve years ago. Since then I have had many other healings and have enjoyed better health than ever before. While these physical healings may appear wonderful to some, to me the healing of my attitude toward Christianity stands out as the greatest.
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April 28, 1934 issue
View Issue-
After the Storm
No Compromise with Matter
Dispossessing Error
Timely Action
Independence and Dependence
Concerning Contests
Autosuggestion relies on the operation of the human...
The Hon. C. Augustus Norwood, Committee on Publication for The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Massachusetts,
In a recent issue of your paper there are quotations from...
Mrs. Isabel Hillier, Committee on Publication for Cape Province, South Africa,
In a recent issue of the Morning News, a doctor, in...
Merrill M. Hutchinson, Committee on Publication for the State of Georgia,
I have read with much interest and appreciation the...
B. Tatham Woodhead, Committee on Publication for Lancashire, England,
Our Heritage of Good
Duncan Sinclair
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Faye Hanford
I became interested in Christian Science while searching...
Edward F. Schuerer
For several years I had suffered with indigestion and...
Sylph Yarnton Mills
With a grateful heart I shall now endeavor to fulfill a...
Mary E. Topping
As I am one of the many thousands who have been...
Harry M. Childs with contributions from Elma G. Childs
O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his...
Bessie Winsor
I am most grateful for what Christian Science has done...
Maude Goodwin Jokerst
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Walter Murdoch, John McDowell