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Many years ago, when Christian Science was in its infancy,...
Many years ago, when Christian Science was in its infancy, and there was only a small society in our city, my husband was healed through the help of a member of that society. At that time the doctor told him that an operation was necessary; this he would not have because he was so weak from loss of blood that he could hardly walk. The milkman who came every morning told us of how his wife had been healed of gallstones through Christian Science, and added that it heals all manner of disease. This seemed very beautiful to us. He then made arrangements for us to meet a practitioner. My husband asked for treatments and was healed in one month.
We purchased Science and Health, but as we had had our schooling in Germany the English language seemed difficult for us to understand; and being satisfied with our church the healing was soon forgotten. Science and Health was put away on a high shelf. We again seemed satisfied in the old way of fear and worry, and in time of sickness we sent for a doctor. But there came another testing time. My invalid mother came to live with us. She and my father had lived alone in a small town for a good many years, and seemingly it was difficult for her to live in a family with eight children. There was much self-pity and resentment entertained on both sides, and our home was far from happy. In this mental state I went to visit a friend and told her my troubles. This friend reminded me of the healing my husband had had in Christian Science, and told me that there was a German translation of Science and Health. I purchased a copy. That was twenty-two years ago. I read and reread the textbook many times in German, but could not understand it. I then started to read it in English, and little by little the light came. "Only by the illumination of the spiritual sense, can the light of understanding be thrown upon this Science" (Science and Health, p. 461).
I am truly grateful to Christian Science for what it has done for my family and me. We have had many healings, among them those of a broken jaw, blood poisoning, smallpox, and scarlet fever. I am grateful for God's protecting power during the world war, for two sons were serving—one for eleven months in the front trenches; both came home unharmed. The truths of Christian Science helped me at the time of my husband's passing on. I am grateful to the practitioners whose loving aid has helped me on the right road Spiritward; grateful also for the periodicals, for membership in The Mother Church and in a branch church, and for the blessed privilege of class instruction.
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January 6, 1934 issue
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Happy New Year!
"Radiant reflection"
A Lesson from Dusting the Stairs
The Station Announcer made the statement: "This...
John C. Lathrop with contributions from Francis de Sales
Holding Our Position
Violet Ker Seymer
Dependable Currency
W. Stuart Booth
The Lectures
with contributions from Cornelie Aarsse-Lignac, Rose E. Sharland, Jennie Flato, George Kitendaugh, Allen Barnard Drury
When I became interested in Christian Science the...
Roy N. Springer
I did not come into the fold of Christian Science through...
George H. Albin
Christian Science came into my experience over twenty...
Mary L. Smith
I should like to join the many people who are testifying...
Emma Thoburn Philson
My first physical healing was of a severe fracture of my...
N. Bruce Elston
From childhood I had suffered greatly from asthma
Nellie B. Richards
From the following it will be evident how much gratitude...
Wilhelmus L. A. Warnier
I wish to express my gratitude for the healings, mental...
Helen Bliss Clark with contributions from Isaac Edwardson
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Viscountess Astor, Franklin D. Roosevelt, J. W. Seale, John L. Franklin, Daniel H. Kress, Hall, John Short, Hugh Martin