student of Christian Science often finds his problem solved when he is able to see man as he really is, the image and likeness of God, perfect, upright, spiritual, and good.
Christian Science,
the gospel which Christ Jesus taught and demonstrated, differentiates between the concept of man as material and the real man, who is spiritual, created by God, Spirit.
the well-known texts in the Old Testament is the declaration by Isaiah, "A little child shall lead them," which is preceded by the words, "The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together.
is probably no issue which has recently engaged more attention throughout the world, and particularly in America, than the Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
when I have left Thy wayAnd heedlessly have gone astray,Still Thou dost follow where I go;I hear Thy call, so soft and low,I leave the flowery path before,And back to Thee I turn once more.
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
The article by "The Friendly Visitor," in your issue of February 4, made no mention of Christian Science, but it opened indirectly the question, "Why do Christian Scientists reject drugs and depend only on spiritual means for healing?
Theodore Burkhart, Committee on Publication for the State of Oregon,
In a recent reference to the basic science bill passed by the state legislature requiring physicians and drugless healers to pass an extra examination in certain "medical fundamentals," you say a customer inquired, Why did they not include Christian Scientists?
Robert Ramsey, Committee on Publication for Lanarkshire, Scotland,
In the Daily Record of January 13, a professor is credited with the statement that "Couéism, Christian Science, newthought, osteopathy, artificial sunlight, and electric treatment are not far separated from primitive beliefs.
O dawn
of day, the opening bud thou artIn which each coming hourLies as a petal hiding in thy heart,Fain to unfold the perfect flowerOf life that shines with rarest beauty wroughtAccording to the Father's loving plan,As right desire in word and deed and thoughtIs blessed service to one's brother man.
Christian Scientists will be happy to know that included in the list of one hundred Best Books of the Century, prepared by the National Council of Women for its exhibit at A Century of Progress, is "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy.
When sending a change of address, the following points should always be included in the request: New address; old address; name of each periodical subscribed for.
with contributions from Edmund Pugsley, Henrietta Wilde, Charles J. Jones, Heinrich Raab, Furman L. Pinkham, Harold Linney, Elvina Jackson, Harry W. Killpack, Paul Wilson, John D. Kelly
To insure that complete lecture notices be printed in the Sentinel, detailed information should reach the Journal, Sentinel, and Herald Editorial Department regarding lectures in the United States and Canada, at least four weeks before the date of the lecture; in Great Britain and Ireland, at least five weeks before; in other European countries, at least eight weeks before.
Minnie E. Darling
with contributions from Harry S. Darling
There have been so many beautiful healings in my family since we began the study of Christian Science that I should like the whole world to know just how grateful I am for them; also that I have been able to prove many times that Christian Science does heal, and that it is the truth about God and man—man who is God's own image and likeness, spiritual and perfect.
Desiring relief from what seemed to be an intense sense of resentment and hatred, I turned to a dear friend whom I knew to be a student of Christian Science, and asked if it were possible to be relieved of the distressed mental condition into which I had voluntarily or involuntarily plunged headlong.
I am ever more desirous of expressing my gratitude to God for all His goodness and for the privilege of knowing the truth as taught in Christian Science.
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with contributions from Edmund Pugsley, Henrietta Wilde, Charles J. Jones, Heinrich Raab, Furman L. Pinkham, Harold Linney, Elvina Jackson, Harry W. Killpack, Paul Wilson, John D. Kelly