In the May 25 issue of the Times a contributor said:...

Daily Times

In the May 25 issue of the Times a contributor said: "Christian Science is every day performing so many miracles in absent treatment as to leave no room for further doubt concerning its possibility or its efficacy." However, your contributor says, in substance, that these marvelous healings are accomplished by putting to work the powerful law of suggestion.

Healings in Christian Science are accomplished by spiritual means only. Human will-power, autosuggestion, physical manipulation, and medication have nothing in common with the legitimate practice of Christian Science, which is the very antipode of so-called will-power or suggestion. Christian Science teaches that there can be no true law of suggestion. If there were such a law it could be applied to injure all mankind, and would be a curse to humanity.

A Christian Science treatment is a prayer of affirmation and denial; the affirmation of man's at-one-ment with God, and the denial of the existence of any law or power to separate the son from Him. Thus the practitioner is mentally engaged in the realization of the omnipotence and omnipresence of God; of the omniaction of His perfect spiritual law; of its potency to heal and to save, and of its power to annul and to destroy every vestige of so-called material law. In the degree that the practitioner is able to realize this, and his own daily life is in accord with God's spiritual law, will he be successful in demonstrating it. On page 111 of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," its author, Mary Baker Eddy, writes: "The Principle of divine metaphysics is God; the practice of divine metaphysics is the utilization of the power of Truth over error; its rules demonstrate its Science."

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April 22, 1933

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