Five years ago Christian Science came to me while I was...

Five years ago Christian Science came to me while I was a patient in a veterans' hospital. As a result of service in France I had been in bed for many years. The doctors had been very kind and faithful, but their verdict of incurability I would not accept.

I knew absolutely nothing of Christian Science, but had been told that it healed. I sent for a practitioner, and he lovingly explained that man is the reflection of the perfect God. A few months after this I left the hospital and returned home. Since that time I have had many proofs of God's loving care for His children.

When I learned that God is the source of man's strength I immediately began to manifest more strength than I had in years. The fear of walking up and down stairs was completely lost. I soon learned to drive an automobile, to attend to the garden, and in general to be about my Father's business, the business of expressing more love and usefulness.

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Testimony of Healing
So much help and encouragement have been received...
April 22, 1933

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