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[Original testimony in French]
Being deeply grateful for all the blessings which I have...
Being deeply grateful for all the blessings which I have received in Christian Science, I wish to give my testimony. Brought up in the Protestant religion, I followed it as conscientiously as possible. I loved God sincerely, and I loved to obey His law. And yet, how many times I felt sad at seeing so much evil around me; for I loved good, and already in my heart I gave more reality and power to it than to evil. I was at this point in my reasoning when a friend, who knew my thought, received a copy of the French Herald. She brought it to me. After reading the first pages I was convinced, and how I desired to own "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy! With the aid of this friend I procured it. As soon as I read its contents, I accepted the truth, already loving Mrs. Eddy for the beautiful discovery which she had given to the world; and in an outburst of gratitude for having the happiness of knowing these things I said, "Father, I too acknowledge Thy perfect creation; help me to live Thy life." I was also happy to know that neither sickness no error of any kind comes from God; therefore, I no longer accepted them. But without meaning to do so I took a wrong course, for I rejected evil of my own self, through human will. Then came darkness, my reason became shattered; I no longer understood, but believed myself abandoned by God—I who had loved good so much! My suffering lasted a long time, but with the help of a practitioner I finally acquired an understanding of Life, Truth, and Love as taught us in Christian Science.
A few days before my healing great weakness came over me, and I no longer wished to strive to understand. I wrote to the practitioner that I would work later. But I was then awakened by Truth, and I understood that divine law does not permit procrastination; for only the present belongs to us. I arose at once, understanding the meaning of those words on page 420 of Science and Health: "There is no metastasis, no stoppage of harmonious action, no paralysis." And now I continued to progress.
I have a deep sense of gratitude for having had a sufficient understanding of Christian Science to declare, a short time ago, the truth regarding a small child belonging to some show people who had come for fête and had set up near our house. Suddenly I heard cries of distress coming from their caravan. I went out immediately, and saw the mother, who was holding in her arms her little one, inert and, according to all appearance, dying. I took the child in my arms and went home again, declaring the truth about Life, which is God, knowing that it is always present, perfect, indestructible. The child opened his eyes and held out his little arms to his grandmother, who had followed us, for in her distress his mother had fainted. How happy we all were to see joy around us again!
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April 18, 1931 issue
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Songs of Christian Scientists
The Wings of Divine Love
"Your joy no man taketh from you"
True Expression
"Such as I have give I thee"
Consciousness Our Dwelling Place
In a report of a sermon entitled "Faith Healing, an Estimate...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
In your issue of Friday, December 5, there appeared...
Frank F. Palmer, Committee on Publication for Leicestershire, England,
A professor points out that he has tried for many years...
Cyril Davies, Committee on Publication for the Transvaal, South Africa,
As the reference to the attitude of Christian Scientists...
Ralph W. Still, Committee on Publication for the State of Texas,
My Prayer
Our Leader's Hymns
The Christian Science Board of Directors
Understanding God
Clifford P. Smith
Fulfilling the Law
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Hermann Müller, Elizabeth Glasser, Hubert F. Dickey
I wish to give grateful acknowledgment for a wonderful...
Bertram C. Taylor
Being deeply grateful for all the blessings which I have...
Berthe Lavisse-Thierry
I am so filled with gratitude to God for Christian Science...
Elizabeth Hammacher
After I had returned home from war service, which had...
Benjamin G. Taylor
I did not begin to study Christian Science for healing,...
Clara E. Lewis
For over twenty years my written testimony has been due...
Eloise Blasingame Heald-Hobbes with contributions from Charloise Y. B. Heald-Hobbes
I am one of the many who owe their health, life, and...
Virginia Lewis
I have had many healings through Christian Science, of...
Constance Nutting
For many years I have relied solely upon Christian Science...
Elizabeth Frater Lowy
The City Christian Science Reading Room
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Arnold Hodgkinson, Berry, Samuel A. Eliot, Joy E. R. Zint, Robbins W. Barstow, Floyd W. Tomkins, Charlie Stowe