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Songs of Christian Scientists
A Christian Scientist once found himself on a Wednesday evening in a small town where there was no branch of The Mother Church. He knew no one there, and as he walked along a quiet street his thought reached out longingly to the Wednesday evening service which was about to begin in the distant branch church of which he was member. Then he heard the familiar strains of Mrs. Eddy's hymn, "Shepherd, show me how to go" (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 397; Poems, p. 14), played on a piano in a near-by house. He knocked at the door, and was soon in the midst of a small group of Christian Scientists, gathered together for an informal testimony meeting. His joy was great for Christian Science as he joined in the singing with heartfelt gratitude.
Earnest Christians in every age have found it easy to accept Christ Jesus, our Master, as a man of sorrows. Christian Scientists know, however, that the great Way-shower endured sorrow only that he might teach others by his example that sorrow can and must be overcome. Jesus came to deliver the captive, to heal the sick, to comfort the sorrowing, to lighten the darkness. His human life was actually a song of thanksgiving, for he never conceded power to evil any experience. "Rejoice," was his demand, which comes ringing down the centuries to us. In humility every Christian Scientist can reecho this holy request to rejoice, in spite of all the dismal testimony by which material sense may threaten to undermine his joy. The light of the Christ, Truth, does illumine the way, and guide the lost to safety. Just to remember that is itself a song which reaches the heart of infinite Love.
It is natural for Christian Scientists to sing as they work. They work not to honor a harsh sense of toilsome duty, but because work plays a big part in all human progress and helpfulness. The joy of overcoming is not lessened for them by a hard journey through the wilderness of mortal experience. It is sustained by the God-given assurance that no journey, however hard, can deprive the spiritually-minded of the constant renewal of their joy; and it foretells the realization of the Master's words, "Rejoice, because your names are written in heaven."
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April 18, 1931 issue
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Songs of Christian Scientists
The Wings of Divine Love
"Your joy no man taketh from you"
True Expression
"Such as I have give I thee"
Consciousness Our Dwelling Place
In a report of a sermon entitled "Faith Healing, an Estimate...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
In your issue of Friday, December 5, there appeared...
Frank F. Palmer, Committee on Publication for Leicestershire, England,
A professor points out that he has tried for many years...
Cyril Davies, Committee on Publication for the Transvaal, South Africa,
As the reference to the attitude of Christian Scientists...
Ralph W. Still, Committee on Publication for the State of Texas,
My Prayer
Our Leader's Hymns
The Christian Science Board of Directors
Understanding God
Clifford P. Smith
Fulfilling the Law
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Hermann Müller, Elizabeth Glasser, Hubert F. Dickey
I wish to give grateful acknowledgment for a wonderful...
Bertram C. Taylor
Being deeply grateful for all the blessings which I have...
Berthe Lavisse-Thierry
I am so filled with gratitude to God for Christian Science...
Elizabeth Hammacher
After I had returned home from war service, which had...
Benjamin G. Taylor
I did not begin to study Christian Science for healing,...
Clara E. Lewis
For over twenty years my written testimony has been due...
Eloise Blasingame Heald-Hobbes with contributions from Charloise Y. B. Heald-Hobbes
I am one of the many who owe their health, life, and...
Virginia Lewis
I have had many healings through Christian Science, of...
Constance Nutting
For many years I have relied solely upon Christian Science...
Elizabeth Frater Lowy
The City Christian Science Reading Room
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Arnold Hodgkinson, Berry, Samuel A. Eliot, Joy E. R. Zint, Robbins W. Barstow, Floyd W. Tomkins, Charlie Stowe