As the reference to the attitude of Christian Scientists...

Monty's Monthly

As the reference to the attitude of Christian Scientists towards evil in your issue for July gives a wrong impression, I feel sure you will welcome a brief correction.

If one understood the teachings of Christian Science sufficiently, such experiences as you enumerate would not "happen" to him. It is written in the ninety-first Psalm (which Christian Scientists understand to be a demonstrable statement of God's protecting care) that "there shall no evil befall" him that "dwelleth in the secret place of the most High."

Moreover, Christian Science heals those laboring under the stress of economic pressure. Also, Christian Science destroys the criminal tendencies of those who resort to questionable practices and unlawful gain, thus dealing with the problem at its inception, destroying error at its very roots.

Christian Scientists do not ignore the evils of human expereince; neither do they hold that mere repetition of formulas will protect one from them. But Christian Science is giving to the world an understanding of spiritual power and law that, practically demonstrated, will not only protect one from thievery and robbery, but defend and protect him from all evil, in whatever guise or form it may appear.

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My Prayer
April 18, 1931

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