I wish to express my gratitude for the many blessings I...

I wish to express my gratitude for the many blessings I have enjoyed through the study of Christian Science, among which is a sense of God's loving care and protection.

I should like to relate an experience I had during the great war which greatly impressed me. I was attached to a small ship which was propelled by gasoline engines of high power, and which carried over two thousand gallons of gasoline as fuel. Seven hundred gallons of this was stored in two tanks separated from my cabin by quarter-inch wooden paneling. Immediately over these tanks twelve hundred pounds of high explosive, including detonators, was kept.

During some very stormy weather, which finally forced the ship to seek shelter in harbor, one of these tanks sprang a leak, unknown to anyone on board. On our arrival in harbor the storm was blowing from a direction which made it impossible to keep the hatchways and ports open, and with the odors of cooking and the wet oilskins I did not notice the gasoline fumes which must have been in my cabin.

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Testimony of Healing
With loving appreciation to Mrs. Eddy for her great...
November 22, 1930

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