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The Real Christian Scientist
"Ye are the salt of the earth. . . . Ye are the light of the world." To a Christian Scientist these words spoken by Jesus immediately following the Beatitudes in his wonderful Sermon on the Mount have a specific meaning.
In the Beatitudes, Jesus plainly indicated the qualities which are blessed,—selflessness, purity, humility, meekness, mercy, and courage,—and a Christian Scientist knows that in proportion as he reflects these qualities is he becoming a light in the world. Did not Jesus fully exemplify all of them? And did he not say, "I am the light of the world"? Therefore, the true Christian Scientist, who is striving to let that Mind be in him "which was also in Christ Jesus," finds that he too must confirm his faith by his works, rather than by words alone. He claims no selfhood apart from God, no intelligence but the reflection of divine Mind, no life except that which is derived from God, who is Life, and no love but the love of God. And his desire is so to live that the world may see his "good works," and glorify his Father in heaven.
The light which "shineth in darkness" is reflected by one who is learning to overcome self-love, self-ignorance, selfwill, self-righteousness, lust, envy, revenge. Darkness and doubt always accompany these errors, and they are foes to health, happiness, and progress. The good that the Christian Scientist may do for himself and others, for the church, and for the world, depends upon his ability to purify his own mental household; in other words, to cast the beam out of his own eye. Through selfless love he is able to lay off his own burden and that of his brother. He lingers near one who may be in distress, stretching forth his hand, which is neither cold nor empty. He reflects tenderness and loving-kindness. Consciousness of God's presence banishes gloom, melts sorrows, and brings gladness and joy. The true Christian Scientist's thinking, whether in home, office, bank, school, or factory, will be uplifiting, loving, healing. How we all have longed for the love of a friend who lifts instead of leans, who forgives all our shortcomings ere asked to do so, who trusts us, is never envious of our good fortune, and is ever ready to encourage us when the way seems dark! And a true Christian Scientist can be that kind of friend! What a joy and privilege! In his Sermon on the Mount Jesus has taught us how to be a true friend. In the thirteenth chapter of his first epistle to the Corinthians Paul explained the real meaning of love. Our Leader's writings are full of loving counsel and admonitions.
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August 17, 1929 issue
View Issue-
"The price of learning love"
The Real Christian Scientist
Jesus' Example
"With his stripes we are healed"
Rebuilding the Walls
A Song of Gratitude
In the "Second Nights" column on December 28 the reality...
Orwell Bradley Towne, Committee on Publication for the State of New York,
The recently published sermons, "Modern Healing Miracles,"...
John G. Sumner, Committee on Publication for County Antrim, Ireland,
The critic's remark about self-assertion in Christian Science...
David A. Giel, Committee on Publication for Holland,
I should be glad of space in your columns to correct some...
Mrs. Ann P. Hewitt, Committee on Publication for the North Island of New Zealand,
A contributor in your issue of February 23 makes the...
Aaron E. Brandt, Committee on Publication for the State of Pennsylvania,
Overcoming Superstition
Albert F. Gilmore
Moral and Spiritual Law
Duncan Sinclair
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Emery J. Dunklee, Adah Emily Blezard, William Henry Coaling
About twenty years ago I first heard of Christian Science
Charles Rohn with contributions from Mary May Rohn
Some years ago I experienced a mental and physical...
Elizabeth A. Schultz
About twenty-one years ago I visited friends in California...
Daniel W. Smart
Christian Science came to me in answer to an unspoken...
Margaret Osborn
For over ten years I have studied Christian Science and...
Muriel Knight Stadler
I cannot remember ever having good health for any long...
Leetah Smith Stetson
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Stanley High, Albert D. Belden, John Q. Adams, G. S. Turner, Bruce Brown