the personal attribute called love and the Love which the beloved disciple assures us is God, there is a gulf as impassable as that which yawned between Dives and Lazarus.
could bring more blessedness than the consciousness of God's tender, loving care for all His children; and how often we see this quality of tenderness expressed throughout the Scriptures! In the thirty-third chapter of Genesis we read of the meeting of Esau and Jacob after years of separation brought about by enmity.
a Church of Christ, Scientist, is taking steps to build a suitable structure in which to worship God, the members naturally turn for inspiration and guidance to the Scriptures and to the writings of their beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy.
Orwell Bradley Towne, Committee on Publication for the State of New York,
In the "Second Nights" column on December 28 the reality of matter is brought into question, and it is implied that Christian Scientists are the only ones who are taught that matter is not real.
John G. Sumner, Committee on Publication for County Antrim, Ireland,
The recently published sermons, "Modern Healing Miracles," have doubtless been read with more than ordinary interest by your numerous readers, and in the interests of fairness and accuracy, I should be grateful if you would permit me to make a brief comment on one or two points of some importance.
Mrs. Ann P. Hewitt, Committee on Publication for the North Island of New Zealand,
I should be glad of space in your columns to correct some of the misrepresentations of Christian Science which were published in a report of a lecture in your paper on October 8.
Aaron E. Brandt, Committee on Publication for the State of Pennsylvania,
A contributor in your issue of February 23 makes the erroneous statement that salvation from sin cannot be accomplished "by denying the reality of sin as Christian Science does.
doubt besets me, then I sing;When fear assails me, then I clingTo God as omnipresent good;And His great presence, understood,Has never failed in calm to bringThe comfort of His shielding wing.
The committee is very grateful for the support which it has received from churches and societies, as well as from individual Christian Scientists, during the quarter that has just terminated.
in general, it seems, are little aware of the measure of influence which superstition exercises over them, even controlling many of the events in their daily lives.
greatest upholder of moral law who ever lived on earth was Christ Jesus; and he was so because he knew more about spiritual law, and demonstrated its power better, than anyone else.
Testimonies of healings brought about at authorized lectures on Christian Science will be published in The Christian Science Journal or the Christian Science Sentinel, when verified as are other testimonies appearing in the periodicals.
On reading a letter published in the Christian Science Sentinel of March 19, 1927, I felt a desire to bear a message to those in need, just as this writer had done through her testimony of the healing of a cancer.
I have been attending the Christian Science services for nine years, and cannot describe what a deep impression they have made upon me from the beginning.
About twenty-one years ago I visited friends in California who were Christian Scientists; and as I was invited to read the literature whenever I wished, I became interested, but not enough so to devote much time to the study.
For over ten years I have studied Christian Science and have conscientiously and consistently applied its practical teachings to every problem in my daily life.
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