Some thirteen years ago a lady roomed at my house for...

Some thirteen years ago a lady roomed at my house for about six weeks, and while there mentioned Christian Science to me several times. I was an ardent orthodox believer and was not willing to give up my false beliefs, but I began to read the Christian Science Sentinel, and the truth received made the Bible a new book to me. I did not take up the study of Christian Science for physical healing, though much in need of it, as physicians had told me I could not be cured. Through the study of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" and Mrs. Eddy's other writings many physical healings followed, a few of which I will mention. A very sore finger was healed, rheumatism in my left arm, tonsillitis, colds, and bloody flux of many years' standing. I have relied entirely on Christian Science for more than eleven years and am very grateful to a dear friend for helping me to gain the right understanding of this religion of love. I count it a great privilege to be able, through Christian Science, to help others with their difficulties, physical and otherwise.

I am very grateful for class instruction and for membership in The Mother Church; also for all the periodical literature, the Church Manual, the Hymnal, and especially for the Christian Science Quarterly Lesson-Sermons, for they contain the healing truth. Mrs. Eddy writes in "Miscellaneous Writings" (p. 204), "Thus Truth, searching the heart, neutralized and destroys error;" and farther along on the same page, "The baptism of the Holy Ghost is the spirit of Truth cleansing from all sin; giving mortals new motives, new purposes, new affections, all pointing upward."

(Mrs.) Carrie L. Noll, Ord, Nebraska.

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Signs of the Times
April 20, 1929

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