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Some twenty years ago, when our existence, present and...
Some twenty years ago, when our existence, present and future, seemed most hopeless, Christian Science was lovingly presented to me, and accepted. I was instantly healed of an inherited and so-called incurable ailment through reading the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. It was my fervent desire to send our two children, aged five and eight years, to a Christian Science Sunday School, but there was none in the small country town in which we were living. Their father, too, in spite of my beautiful healing, seemed very much opposed to what he thought Christian Science to be, and insisted that the little ones attend another Sunday school. However, I continued reading Science and Health and taught the children that God is ever present Love, ever present good, and they fully accepted these facts. I did not oppose their father's request. Having recognized that I could turn to God for guidance as to a loving parent, I earnestly prayed for direction in this matter. One Sunday when the girls returned from Sunday school they were engaged in very earnest conversation and I asked in the presence of their father why they were so serious. The older one emphatically replied: "My sister and I have decided that we are not going to that Sunday school again. You told us that God is Love and sends us only good things, and wants us to be happy all the time. They told us in that Sunday school that God makes us sick to punish us, and we do not want to know anything more about that kind of God. We have already asked God to give us the right kind of Sunday school. He made you well, so we know He will." My prayer was answered! No more was said regarding the other Sunday school. One month later, thirteen students of Christian Science gathered in one of the homes in the little town of Gardena and a Christian Science Society was organized. The little girl said, "I knew God would give us a Sunday school."
She had further reward of her decision to worship the true God, for a week after her declaration of independence, a serious eye trouble to which she had been in bondage was overcome in the following manner. She came home from school with all the old symptoms, for which a specialist had formerly been treating her, more greatly pronounced and seemingly dangerous than ever before. Her father was very fearful, saying, "We are away from our specialist; what are we going to do?" I said, "We are going to take this problem to God." We did not know how to go about finding a practitioner, so I put the little girl to bed in a darkened room, took my Science and Health, and began to read, realizing God's loving presence. In a short time the child called, saying, "Mother, who made the sunshine?" I replied, "God made it, darling." She said, "Then it is good, and you do not need to shut it out of my room." I opened the blind, and to my very great joy found her completely healed, and she has remained so. Later, when a student in high school, she had to pass a physical examination and her eyes were pronounced perfect. She later accepted a bookkeeping position, working constantly under artificial lights with no ill effects, and is able to do painting and fine needlework. Both girls are grateful for membership in The Mother Church and for the understanding of this wonderful truth which their study has given them. In all these years it has been our only physician; and though our healings have not always been instantaneous, we have been grateful for the greater strength gained in the ultimate overcoming of them.
I wish to relate a beautiful healing received during a recent Christian Science lecture. For seventeen years I had suffered periodically from an organic inflammation. During the day before the lecture this attack seemed aggravated. I had promised a friend I would take her to the lecture, and in holding firmly to the words from the textbook (p. 387), "One cannot suffer as the result of any labor of love, but grows stronger because of it," I went, and was completely healed of the seeming chronic difficulty.
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September 1, 1928 issue
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Harmony or Discord?
"Be still"
Uses of the Wilderness
What Did Hinder?
Class Instruction
"To have and to hold"
What the Lens of Science Reveals
The Prayer of Faith
It was with appreciative recognition of his charitable attitude...
J. Latimer Davis, Committee on Publication for the State of Iowa,
In reading the articles in your paper by R. T., and the...
Miss V. M. Blanche Stievenard, Committee on Publication for Hertfordshire, England,
As reported in the Spokesman-Review in a recent issue,...
Everett P. Clark, Committee on Publication for the State of Washington,
with contributions from The Christian Science Board of Directors
God's Good Gifts
Duncan Sinclair
Right Decisions
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from James H. Pettapiece , Dewing Woodward , Ethel Tennent, Maude K. Shawaker
Christian Science has brought so many blessings into my...
Marguerite Wyssa-Jaccard
Words can never express my gratitude to Christian Science...
Ida Neureuther with contributions from John C. Neureuther
I am writing this testimony with a feeling of intense...
Ernest Hubert Pease
I did not come to Christian Science for healing, as I knew...
Nellie S. Sussdorf
In February, 1924, my wife was afflicted with a dimming...
Johann Schwarz with contributions from Lydia Schwarz
It is my very great privilege and joy to bear witness to the...
Mary Burt Barker