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It was with appreciative recognition of his charitable attitude...
It was with appreciative recognition of his charitable attitude toward others that I read a doctor's article in "Your Health" column printed in a recent issue of the Telegraph-Herald. I refer in particular to that paragraph of his letter in which he said: "I have the greatest sympathy for Christian Scientists, antivaccinationists, and all others who have conscientious objections to the uses of vaccines and serums. I grant their sincerity and absolute honesty of conviction. All these persons I have found to be advanced thinkers and liberal in most other matters. But when it comes to the use of such methods of treatment or prevention they are set against it."
Christian Scientists earnestly reciprocate the sympathy and respect which the doctor has expressed for them; and this letter explaining the standpoint of the Christian Scientist is submitted with due acknowledgment of all sincerity on the part of those who with the doctor depend upon other agencies for prevention and healing of disease. The only way in which Christian Scientists are "set against" the use of any particular method said to prevent or heal disease, is in the matter of having that method prescribed for all alike regardless of individual preference. They hold that all should be allowed to seek freedom from disease through such means as individual conscience and choice dictate. It is assumed the author of the syndicated column above mentioned reserves for himself this right, and that he also may be quite "set against" having prescribed for him a form of treatment he does not wish to employ. Just as the doctor says he feels "convinced beyond the possibility of change" that certain material methods of warding off disease are right methods, so Christian Scientists are likewise assured beyond doubt that the truth taught, practiced, and commended by Christ Jesus to his followers, is as potent to-day to protect and heal as when the Master was on earth and declared, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
Therefore when confronted with the doctor's later assertion that "the Schick test and the immunization method, now more commonly employed, should be resorted to by every parent," those who from actual experience have found protection through reliance on spiritual means, as presented by the great Teacher, are inclined to inquire why they should be asked to substitute some other method for that which has proved wholly satisfactory to them. The doctor's further admonition, "Just as you prize the life of that blessed youngster, do not neglect the means of protection," was evidently given without consideration of the fact that Christian Scientists are as carefully and lovingly guarding the lives of their children when providing Christian Science treatment for them, as are parents who select for their children some other form of care. When disease threatens Christian Scientists or those under their charge, immediate attention is given the matter of having the ministration of Christian Science employed, and in no sense is "the means of protection" neglected. According to the doctor's admission the use of the serum he advocates for preventing diphtheria has been experimental, but he claims that the period of experimentation was closed "a quarter of a century ago." However, some other members of the medical profession have decidedly different views on that subject and have shown from their statements that the experimenting is still going on. Advancement through "investigation" as to the value of certain forms of treatment during the past forty years is cited by the doctor as the reason for the decrease in the number of cases of diphtheria in New York state. But during that same forty-year period advancement has likewise been made in Christian Science. This progress, however, has not resulted from experiment or change of method, because Christian Science, based on the teachings of the Master, remains unchanged as established by Mary Baker Eddy more than half a century ago, operating as in Jesus' time through its divine Principle, God. Progress in Christian Science is seen in the increased number of those who, turning to this spiritual, Christian healing, have found their needed protection and relief. Many times the number of those who depended upon it forty years ago are to-day comforted and healed through its ministrations, not only in New York state but throughout the world. If the doctor were consulted he might concede that the method he so strongly advocates is not the only means through which disease has been lessened.
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September 1, 1928 issue
View Issue-
Harmony or Discord?
"Be still"
Uses of the Wilderness
What Did Hinder?
Class Instruction
"To have and to hold"
What the Lens of Science Reveals
The Prayer of Faith
It was with appreciative recognition of his charitable attitude...
J. Latimer Davis, Committee on Publication for the State of Iowa,
In reading the articles in your paper by R. T., and the...
Miss V. M. Blanche Stievenard, Committee on Publication for Hertfordshire, England,
As reported in the Spokesman-Review in a recent issue,...
Everett P. Clark, Committee on Publication for the State of Washington,
with contributions from The Christian Science Board of Directors
God's Good Gifts
Duncan Sinclair
Right Decisions
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from James H. Pettapiece , Dewing Woodward , Ethel Tennent, Maude K. Shawaker
Christian Science has brought so many blessings into my...
Marguerite Wyssa-Jaccard
Words can never express my gratitude to Christian Science...
Ida Neureuther with contributions from John C. Neureuther
I am writing this testimony with a feeling of intense...
Ernest Hubert Pease
I did not come to Christian Science for healing, as I knew...
Nellie S. Sussdorf
In February, 1924, my wife was afflicted with a dimming...
Johann Schwarz with contributions from Lydia Schwarz
It is my very great privilege and joy to bear witness to the...
Mary Burt Barker