In a recent issue a minister announced that he would...


In a recent issue a minister announced that he would preach a sermon entitled, "Is Christian Science of Man or of God or the Devil?" He stated that he would compare the teachings of Christian Science, which he slurringly designated as "Eddyism," with the teaching of Christianity. The implications in the title of the sermon and in the wording of the notice are manifestly unkind an unjust to Christian Science. Christian Science is a religion based upon the Bible and particularly upon the teaching of Christ Jesus. Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, was a spiritually-minded New England woman, who sprang from devout Puritan stock. History has already placed her among the world's foremost religious leaders. In a period of about fifty years, more than twenty-three hundred Christian Science churches and societies have been established throughout the world. These are comprised largely of persons whose health has been restored and whose outlook upon life has been made brighter through the teaching of Christian Science. Christian Science, as all other religious, will be judged by its fruits rather than by the views of its opponents; and it must be clear to all that critics who have not demonstrated its teachings or experienced its healing are not qualified to discuss it intelligently. Apropros to the foregoing, it should be noted that the Christian Science services are devoted wholly to preaching the gospel of Christ, and never include attacks upon other religions.

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