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In an item appearing in a recent issue entitled "Right Thinking Has Much To Do With Physical Well-Being,"...
Evening News,
In an item appearing in a recent issue entitled "Right Thinking Has Much To Do With Physical Well-Being," a United States senator from New York is quoted as saying, "Our Christian Science friends are in possession of a great blessing," and also, "They have learned that fear of one variety and another is at the root of most of our troubles." The senator should be commended for making such a statement, and Christian Scientists appreciate it very much. Please permit me, however, to add to this good statement of the senator that Christian Scientists are not alone aware of the fact that fear is the basis of many of their troubles, but they are learning how to overcome this objectionable element of the carnal mind. Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, says in the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," on page 411, "The procuring cause and foundation of all sickness is fear, ignorance, or sin." Fear will be eliminated in the minds of mortals when it is understood that the one divine Mind, God, governs every right action, motive, and thought, here and now. Obedience to divine law brings harmony to mortals, whereas obedience to mortal theories, man-made creeds, beliefs, and doctrines, tends to induce disease and discord. Likewise, misunderstandings that the senator refers to are overcome by knowing and relying on the one divine Mind, God, "who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases." Christian Science is to-day teaching mortals how all this good may be accomplished, and in fact is regenerating mortals in conformity with Paul's statement, "Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." The senator further says a great man of old said, As a man "thinketh in his heart, so is he." Knowing this, why do we not act upon its implied direction? In reply to this question, Christian Science teaches that because mortals do not understand God and rely on Him for all good, but on the contrary, look to the body for health, they are overcome with disease and discord. The great value of Christian Science is that it is teaching mortals to look to God for their health and for their all, as Christ Jesus taught.
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July 7, 1928 issue
View Issue-
The Revelation of the Son of God
"Holy ground"
True Selfhood
The Love of Life
"Blessed are the poor in spirit"
Following God's Direction
The Elder Brother
"Know thyself"
The Master's immediate disciples demonstrated the divine...
Ralph W. Still, Committee on Publication for the State of Texas,
I respectfully ask space for some remarks answering the...
Miss Fredrikke Lie, Committee on Publication for Norway,
In a recent issue a minister announced that he would...
Edgar McLeod, Committee on Publication for Northern California,
In an item appearing in a recent issue entitled "Right Thinking Has Much To Do With Physical Well-Being,"...
Carrington Hening, Committee on Publication for the State of New Jersey,
In a recent issue there appears a report of a lecture given...
Stephen J. Sametz, Committee on Publication for the Province of Manitoba, Canada.
In your recent issue in the report of a lecture by a clergyman...
Charles M. Shaw, Committee on Publication for Lancashire, England,
Extracts from Reports of Christian Science Committees on Publication for the Year Ended September 30, 1927
with contributions from J. R. Miller
The Christian Science Board of Directors
Man's Identity Persistent
Albert F. Gilmore
Healing through Divine Mind
Duncan Sinclair
"Formulas Forbidden"
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Margarethe Schulz, Ollie M. Holmes, Frederick P. Burrall
Words fail me to express my gratitude for Christian Science
Ann Corsham with contributions from L. A. Corsham
Christian Science has truly changed my concept of life...
Gertrude Mecham
Second only to the gratitude which I feel for the fact that...
Ruth Wheeler Willet
For the many benefits I have received through the study...
Clara D. Finch
For many years I searched in vain for a religion or a...
Malcolm Bruce Milne
How grateful we are that our dear Leader, Mary Baker Eddy,...
Lillian A. Whitaker
Before being interested in Christian Science I had lived...
Joseph S. Wallace
Truth Unveiled
Signs of the Times
with contributions from E. F. Mangin, George H. Morrison