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Truth's Mighty Efficacy
What a vast amount of tireless effort has been put forth from the beginning of recorded history in the search for the truth about God, man, and the universe! In so far as they have been faithful to the truth as laid down by Christ Jesus the governments of the world have made true progress and built on sure foundations. Many, however, who call themselves Christian, and profess to follow the truth as revealed by the Master, fail to prove by living according to it that they really understand what his doctrines promise of salvation from evil. This anomalous situation is similar to that of one who states that he knows mathematics to be a reliable science, but never uses it.
Christian Science is changing this; and the great point of departure is that the one who takes up the study of this new-old religion begins to learn at once that Truth is infinite, immutable, eternal, and apart from all mortal beliefs regarding it; that there are not Truths many, because God is Truth, the divine Principle, Love, one and indivisible. In consistently demonstrating Christian Science, be our demonstrations small or great, the infinite Mind is actually revealing itself to us as omnipresent Deity—"God with us;" and conscious thought, which may heretofore have been greatly restricted, begins to free itself through conscious communion with the infinite. From then on, little by little but surely, in proportion to our growth, God's great plan dawns upon consciousness. Not that such a viewpoint is grasped at once, but all things begin to appear in a more impersonal light as the truth—which is always impersonal—unfolds in thought. In this spiritual perspective it becomes possible to look at world conditions, as well as our own problems, in a way that tends more rapidly to their proper solution.
It is constant self-immolation, the putting aside with childlike trust of our own will, that God's will may be done, which brings this enlarged spiritual vision, and the calm certainty of God's hand in all things, and all things in His hand. It is living in obedience to the letter and spirit of Christian Science which enables us to heal. It is Truth itself which reveals the harmony of the Science of its own Being, wherein no jarring note is heard.
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May 26, 1928 issue
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Christian Science as a Field for Study
How Dost Thou Love?
Truth's Mighty Efficacy
Pressing On
Inspired Teaching
If the writer of "Sunday School Lessons" in your recent...
Thomas C. Hollingshead, Committee on Publication for the State of Idaho,
A recent issue of your paper contained an article on...
Miss Fredrikke Lie, Committee on Publication for Norway,
By way of correcting any erroneous impression that may...
John Ross, Committee on Publication for the Province of Nova Scotia, Canada,
In a recent issue is a "letter to the editor," in which the...
Israel Pickens, Committee on Publication for the State of Alabama,
The test of science is demonstration
Francis Lyster Jandron, Committee on Publication for the State of Michigan,
Pacific Coast Sanatorium
The Christian Science Board of Directors
For All Mankind
Albert F. Gilmore
Man's Birthright of Dominion
Duncan Sinclair
True Hope
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Susanna Frise, Colin Joseph Stichbury
I beg leave to place on record the facts of our boy's...
Florence Chadwick
Almost from childhood I seemed to be practically without...
Florence R. Walker
I am profoundly grateful for Christian Science, which...
Margrith Battaglia
One of my first healings through Christian Science was of...
Charles H. Boyd
With a heart full of gratitude to God, I add my testimony...
Gertrude C. Reissman
It is with great joy and gratitude that I testify to the...
Anna Marie Gast
I wish to express my gratitude for what Christian Science...
Bernice L. Smith
A Prayer
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Dallas Lore Sharp, J. E. Hughson, William J Sayers, Dickens-Lewis