I have had so many healings and so much help spiritually...

I have had so many healings and so much help spiritually from the study of Christian Science that I hardly know where to begin in telling what this wonderful truth has done for me. At the time Christian Science was first introduced to me, about three years ago, I had a severe nervous breakdown. I had gone about as long as I could with that trouble without succumbing, and I knew something had to be done; but it seemed very difficult for me because I belonged to an orthodox church which is more opposed to Christian Science, probably, than any other church, and I was afraid at that time to quit the old church, much as I wanted to. I knew, however, that I would have to take this step before I could get what I needed. Prayers had been said for me in the old church, and all had been done by the medical profession that could be done for me.

I am indeed grateful to Mary Baker Eddy, to Christ Jesus, and to our good God for the truth that has made me free. Now there is no fear of hell or death, and no fear of man or man-made creeds. I have gained a sense of eternal life by knowing that time is no part of eternity; that God's idea, man, is eternal and indestructible; and that there is no life in matter. The overcoming of the fear of death, which had cast a shadow over my past, through Christian Science, gives greater cause for gratitude than anything in my experience.

Just before taking up the study of Christian Science it seemed to me that no power on earth could help me. I had almost despaired of recovery when one day I decided to visit a friend whom I knew to be a Christian Scientist. Upon my arrival at the home of this friend I learned that she was out, but I talked with her son, who assured me that his mother could help me. I made my way to an office, where she was taking the place of a regular Christian Science practitioner, and was met with a smile of welcome. It did not take me long to tell her my trouble, and she at once began to work for me. I think my healing began almost from that moment. I was given some Christian Science literature, and went home and began studying it. My healing was slow. I have since been very grateful for this slowness, because it made me study harder and was the cause of great spiritual uplifting.

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Testimony of Healing
With a heart full of gratitude I wish to testify to the...
December 29, 1928

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