is a notable feature in connection with the testimonies of healing that are given in Christian Science churches and periodicals which can hardly fail to impress the listener or reader, and it is that, while the beneficiaries are abundantly grateful for their physical healing, their gratitude for the spiritual inspiration and enlightenment which Christian Science is bringing to them is declared to be far greater.
blessed Lord and Master, Christ Jesus, gave ample proof of the Father's loving-kindness to His children; and while the beloved Son lost no opportunity to help those who called upon him for aid, still he manifested no anxiety over those who seemed unready to follow him.
who are engaged in the various activities of Christian Science church work are continually striving to spiritualize their concept of church, in order that they may better express more of true and righteous activity.
travailed long within my consciousnessA song of gracious promise; unfulfilledFor poverty of words wherewith to clotheIn fitly chosen words its harmony.
Ralph B. Textor, Committee on Publication for the State of Ohio,
In a recent syndicated article in your paper by a doctor, on the subject of one's secret fear and its bodily effects, this prominent medical representative referred to Christian Science along with Couéism in a way which might convey a wrong impression to the casual reader.
Miss Edith L. Thomson, Committee on Publication for Queensland, Australia,
In a recent issue of the Maryborough Chronicle an evangelist is reported as imputing that Christian Science presents a false Christ and that it robs its adherents of the preciousness of Christ Jesus.
Fred Yould, Committee on Publication for the State of Georgia,
In your recent issue, in the column "Things New and Old About the Bible," a clergyman again attacks Christian Science, referring to it as "antichrist," and a "demon-possessed cult.
heart knows its gladness, as soaring it joyously sings,Glad as a lark in the sunshine outspreading its wings,Singing in light of Thy glory, so jubilant, free,Joy! since I know that my life and my love are in Thee.
in his letter to the church in Galatia, with an extraordinary insight into the affairs of the early followers of the Master, discusses many problems which confronted them in common with all other Christians of that time.
Testimonies of healings brought about at authorized lectures on Christian Science will be published in The Christian Science Journal or the Christian Science Sentinel, when verified as are other testimonies appearing in the periodicals.
I am recording the following individual experience with the earnest desire that it may be the means of helping others who have not yet started to walk in the Christian Science pathway, or perhaps of encouraging others who are farther along the road.
I am always grateful for the beautiful testimonies in our periodicals, and I should like to let others know of some of the blessings I have received since taking up the study of Christian Science.
Christian Science has been such a constant help to me during the last eleven years that I wish to express my gratitude through the channel provided by the printed testimonies.
I have had so many healings and so much help spiritually from the study of Christian Science that I hardly know where to begin in telling what this wonderful truth has done for me.
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