[Written for the Sentinel]

Let us Say—Godspeed

Whene'er a valiant soldier of the cross
Wrestles, like Jacob, till the break of day,
Waiting the angel's touch, which comes to smite
The thigh of error till its strength gives way,
Perhaps in such an hour it may enhance
His courage as he wrestles through the night,
To know that other soldiers think of him,
And wish him Godspeed in his holy fight,
Rejoicing with him in the certainty
That Truth's all-power will vanquish every foe,
Knowing that victory is assured to those
Who with the sword of Spirit armed go.
So let us, brother soldiers, greetings send
To one another as we journey on,
Sounding the trumpet call of gratitude
For all the battles we have fought and won.
Cheering each other, we more bravely march;
And keeping step, our courage we increase,
Until new vistas of eternal Love
We shall envision in the land of peace.

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Signs of the Times
February 5, 1927

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