Christ Jesus demonstrated spiritual healing as a proof...


Christ Jesus demonstrated spiritual healing as a proof of his divine authority. He taught his immediate disciples how to utilize this same divine healing power, which he referred to in one instance as "the finger of God." He told his followers to go and "teach all nations," and to instruct them to "observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you." Paul was not an immediate disciple of Jesus, but afterward became one. He planted the seed of Christianity in Rome; and in this city, where he spent his last days, spiritual healing was practiced by the Christians in uninterrupted succession for upward of two hundred years. And this spiritual healing was considered by those Christians themselves as the most convincing evidence of the truth of Christianity.

It was the Science of this divine healing, or Christ-healing, which Mary Baker Eddy discovered, in the year 1866, and which she named "Christian Science." She gave it to the world in her textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," which was first published in 1875. And this brings us to the other reference in your newspaper, in which it is mentioned that certain selections read from Science and Health were "the opposite of the Holy Scriptures." Because this false statement fails to specify what particular selections were referred to, kindly permit me to correct the error by way of a general denial and a brief statement of facts which will enable the readers of your paper to determine for themselves the relation which Science and Health bears to the Scriptures, and the place it occupies to-day among its contemporaries. The study of Science and Health in connection with the Bible, to which it is the "Key," has brought to unnumbered thousands of people deliverance from bondage to almost every type of sin and every variety of ailment known to mankind. Next to the Bible, it is almost, if not quite, the most widely read book in the English language. It may be found on the shelves of practically every public library in America, and in the libraries of many foreign cities, where its circulation is wide in comparison with many other works. It has been translated into the German and French languages, in response to a demand from people of those languages. Many ministers of the gospel have it in their libraries, and some have had the courage to say that it has helped to leaven their sermons. This book, Science and Health, has had the effect of bringing the Bible into thousands of homes where before it was practically unknown, and it has also brought the Bible from under cover and from the bookshelf and made it, indeed, the revealer of spiritual life, the restorer of health, and the beloved companion in households almost without number. A single sentence in it makes the Bible indispensable. It reads (p. 406), "The Bible contains the recipe for all healing."

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