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Extracts from Reports of Christian Science Committees on Publication for the Year Ended September 30, 1923
During the past year, in comparison with some other years, an increased number of corrective replies were necessary. This resulted from the ever increasing interest in and efforts to accomplish mental or spiritual healing by those who fail to discriminate between the unlabored energies of the divine Mind, God, as revealed in Christian Science, and the suggestive seeming phenomena of the human, carnal mind, "which is enmity against God." References to Christian Science were mostly ignorant, not malicious, even in the denominational press. The opportunity thus given to correct and heal this awakened thought was fully utilized. The daily papers, recognizing the growing interest in this subject, printed the Committee's replies as news items, giving them greater prominence than if they had appeared under "Letters to the Editor." There is a general growing respect for Christian Science on the part of the secular and religious editors, as evidenced in the pleasant, and even cordial, relations existing with this office.
The past year has brought to a successful consummation the conscientious work over a period of years of the different Committees on Publication for the Province of Ontario to protect the rights of Christian Science from restrictive medical legislation. On May 4 the Ontario Legislature became the second in the British Empire to make legal, by an amendment to the Ontario Medical Act, healing the sick by prayer or spiritual means. This clause reads: "Nothing in this Act contained shall apply to or affect persons treating human ailments by prayer or spiritual means, as an enjoyment or exercise of religious freedom."
To heal prejudice and ignorance in mortal thought before it finds its way from the pulpit or through the press to the public received special attention from the Committee during the year. The provision that churches may request the Committee to attend to their business with the newspapers gave an opportunity for continual healing contact with them. Adequate and effective announcements of our church services each week, now being adopted throughout the province, are incalculable in their healing results. For instance, announcing weekly to several hundred thousand readers in the province that the Bible can be secured at our Reading Rooms will dissipate the widespread belief, not publicly expressed, that we do not use the Bible, but have one of our own. Announcing the subject each week, the testimonies of healing at our Wednesday evening meetings, and the extending of a cordial invitation to all, is effecting in a noticeable degree an increased attendance at our services.
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July 5, 1924 issue
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Borrowed Problems
"Forgetting those things which are behind"
The Reading Room
God's Glory
The Only Wealth
Your Benoni correspondent probably knew better when...
Cecil Sebastian Bellairs, Committee on Publication for Transvaal, South Africa,
Any person sufficiently interested in this subject to investigate...
Richard Edward Prince, Committee on Publication for the State of Virginia,
In a recent issue a professor is reported as saying that...
William Charles Brookes, Committee on Publication for Midlothian, Scotland,
In an editorial printed in your issue of March 7, under...
Robert G. Steel, Committee on Publication for the State of Michigan,
Christian Scientists do not worship Mary Baker Eddy in...
Arthur John Chapman, Committee on Publication for the State of Louisiana,
Christian Science does not insist that healing is accomplished...
Fred Yould, Committee on Publication for the State of Georgia,
Christian Science is based entirely on the words and...
Miss Kate E. Andreae, Committee on Publication for Sussex, England,
Mary Baker Eddy, inspired by God, discovered the...
Hugh Stuart Campbell, Committee on Publication for the State of Illinois,
The Wayside
Trusting God
Albert F. Gilmore
"Truth makes man free"
Duncan Sinclair
Let There Be Lifting Up
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Cora Wiederhold, Edward E. Bean, Gavin W. Allan, Frau Wanda Reim, Richard Barlow
Prior to July, 1918, I eagerly tried all doctors and...
Albert W. Wolke with contributions from Margaret Wolke
Before knowing anything about Christian Science I...
Mary Beausire
I heard of Christian Science for the first time in 1906,...
Else Douglas with contributions from Georg Douglas
I wish to express my gratitude for the many healings...
Mabel E. Boucher
Last winter, after some active mental resistance to a...
Kathleen A. Johnston
In the early winter of 1920, weary, worn, without hope,...
Anna R. S. Talley
I should like to tell of an experience I had some years...
Nellie Campbell Askey
I wish to acknowledge through the columns of the...
Nellie Yates
Christian Science was brought to my attention about...
Agnes Du Prée with contributions from William A. Bennett, Ethel Gidley Bennett
Signs of the Times
with contributions from S. W. Straus, Jacob Alschuler, J. Stuart Holden, Clarence Reed