Lifting Thought

SOME of us, from a human standpoint, seem to have heavier responsibilities, greater burdens and tasks, than others. The writer seemed to have a special tendency for this sort of experience. As a result, during her life from childhood it appeared as though when one burden was lifted, the next quite naturally slipped into its place (her thought); and moments would come when it seemed altogether impossible to go on. Sometimes, it was the burden of domestic duties,—the care of the home and family; frequently, it was the burden of supply. At these times a great longing, almost uncontrollable, would come to go away somewhere. The thought always seemed to suggest itself that a boat trip would be the most helpful thing possible; that it would bring peace and rest from the rush and turmoil.

As she was working in Christian Science, the writer recognized the tempter; and on one occasion she thought to herself, as she stopped to look from the window at the beautiful Hudson River with its many boats coming and going, always seeming to invite her to go somewhere: There is something in this textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, which can lift me out of this sense of weariness, if I can but open my thought to receive it. The next moment, with a new meaning, came the line with which many are familiar, "God rests in action" (Science and Health, p. 519). Why, yes! she thought; if I live, move, and have my being in God, then I, too, must rest in action. At once there came a sense of peace and buoyancy never known before. The home duties glided off; the pressing needs were met for others; and day in and day out there was now a song of gladness in her heart that she had been given an opportunity to be helpful in the world.

One of our hymns runs,

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