Divine Mind's Control

If one were to be told that there is a way whereby his entire existence may be made harmonious; whereby all evil may be eliminated from his experience so that only good may appear; that in place of sickness he may find health; instead of poverty he may have abundance; that happiness will take the place of sorrow; in fact, that no error of any sort can find a resting place in his career,—where is the person who would not loudly acclaim that he would immediately undertake to enter that path and walk in it to its perfect goal?

Now it is just this which Christian Science offers to all mankind when it teaches how to understand and demonstrate divine Mind's control. In its marvelous revelation of the truth that God is the one and only Mind, omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, it opens the door to complete freedom from every form of error. It testifies to the unvarying fact that to be consciously under the control of this infinite, perfect Mind must necessarily be to know the joy and bliss of God's unchanging government, wherein naught but holy perfection can appear; to experience all that is desirable, all that is beautiful and glorious; to know the heaven that all men have hoped in their inmost hearts at some time to attain.

The absolute truth is, that all this bliss must be present here and now, since God, divine Mind, is never absent and, better still, is never failing to control all things. His control—the exercise of His divine, loving will—is always active; and the harmony of His presence is ever operative. This must be the eternal fact of all reality; for were He ever less than the all-acting, the all-controlling, infinite One, everything would be chaotic, and even existence itself must cease to be. In "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 379) Mrs. Eddy says, "The real jurisdiction of the world is in Mind, controlling every effect and recognizing all causation as vested in divine Mind."

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Error Is Powerless
December 15, 1923

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