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In uniting and condemning "rationalism, higher criticism,...
Sioux Falls (S. D.) Press
In uniting and condemning "rationalism, higher criticism, universalism, theosophy, and Christian Science" as "lies" and in stating that Christian Science "denies the reality of sin and the need of atonement," as reported in a recent Sunday issue, your contributor erred greatly. First, he wrongfully implies that Christian Science is similar to the other religions or systems mentioned; second, that Christian Science is "a lie," and third, he incompletely and incorrectly states the Christian Science teachings on the reality of sin and need of atonement, respectively.
"Rationalism" is a system of deducing religious opinions from human reasoning or understanding, as distinct from or opposed to divine revelation. Possibly our critic confused this with Christian Science because we do, indeed, endeavor spiritually to understand the Scriptures, to "prove all things," and to be "filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding." ... Spiritual understanding is divine revelation; and it is through this, not human reasoning, that Christian Science heals sin and disease. "Higher criticism," according to Webster, involves no religious beliefs whatever, but is a mode of reasoning by which some deduce the origin and date of Scriptural writings. "Theosophy" and spiritualism are foreign to Christian Science. "Universalism" teaches that all men will eventually be saved. We would add that salvation, or deliverance from sin, disease, and death, is attained only as men follow Jesus' example and do his works; all of which and "greater things," he said, are possible to them that believe.
What your contributor "sketched" as Christian Science and denounced as a "lie," probably was a "lie." It certainly was not Christian Science which he denounced, but a straw man of his own building. Christian Science can be proved; therefore it cannot be a "lie."
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February 25, 1922 issue
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The Second Mile
Real Rest
"But thou shalt know hereafter"
True Compassion
Being Born Again
God's Day
That "Christian Science is neither religion nor science,...
Louis E. Scholl
In an article in your paper, statements "made in the...
Harry K. Filler
One who subscribes himself "A Reader" takes exception,...
Brigman C. Odom
My attention has been called to an advertisement recently...
William E. Brown
An address given recently at the Kewanee Public Library,...
Longley Taylor
Literature Distribution
The Christian Science Board of Directors
Spiritual Healing
Albert F. Gilmore
"Rest in the Lord"
Duncan Sinclair
Ella W. Hoag
with contributions from Charles E. Jarvis
The Lectures
with contributions from M. Ethel Whitcomb, Anna T. Boyd
I should like to prove a little of the gratitude I feel for...
Elizabeth Walker
I had tried many times to become interested in a religion,...
David T. Farrow
This is to certify that while our son was away in the...
Clara A. Davidson
I first turned to Christian Science for healing after having...
Ethel Munro Goss
About twelve years ago, when in a very wretched condition...
Agnes J. Malcolm
A few years ago I had three distinct attacks of the then...
Edwin H. Rothert
I am deeply grateful for the understanding of Christian Science...
Isabel M. Meikle
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Frederick L. Allen, T. Rhonnda Williams