I first turned to Christian Science for healing after having...

I first turned to Christian Science for healing after having suffered with a very severe illness for almost a year. I had had the very best medical attention, but the physicians seemed to have come to the end of their resources, and I turned to Christian Science for help. I was healed in a wonderful way, and regained my health and strength very quickly considering that the doctors had said that it would be a long time before I would walk again.

Through the study of Christian Science I have gained a glimpse of what the understanding of God can do for mankind. I have learned that the most wonderful book in the world is the Bible, that its promises are all true, and can be proved so by any one who is willing to lay aside his prejudice, and seek for Truth with that reverent, childlike attitude which alone opens to us the door. I am grateful for all those avenues through which the truth of Christian Science is being given to the world, and for the increasing toleration in the world, which makes this possible. I am grateful for the wonderful sense of law revealed to us in our Manual, which is teaching us self-government. And most of all, I am grateful for the deep, abiding faith in God, which Christian Science has given, which is not an emotional ecstasy or a blind belief, but a growing understanding of God's allness gained through a scientific Christianity.—(Mrs.) Ethel Munro Goss, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

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Testimony of Healing
About twelve years ago, when in a very wretched condition...
February 25, 1922

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