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Literature Distribution
As long ago as in July, 1891, a card from Mrs. Eddy in The Christian Science Journal advised against the continuance of a project that had been started by a handful of workers in New York to distribute our literature broadcast throughout the world. The plan which she then disapproved placed unrestricted authority in a small group of individuals without church supervision or control. It is obvious that her objection was to the manner in which it was to be carried on, rather than to the idea of literature distribution itself.
There is nothing in this incident to indicate that Mrs. Eddy disapproved of literature distribution when properly carried out. It is well to remember that instead thereof she favored the proper and judicious distribution of our printed matter. Numerous letters from her are on file in The Mother Church in which she directed and urged the distribution of special booklets, such as "Christian Science History" and "Legal Aspects of Christian Science," also replies of the Committees on Publication, copies of the Christian Science periodicals, and of her own writings. Mrs. Eddy herself made extensive distribution of Christian Science literature and at times directed extra distribution in certain localities to counteract the efforts of enemies of our Cause. On one occasion she requested that copies of the pamphlet "Christian Science versus Pantheism" be sent to all clergymen. The very fact that Leader established the Christian Science periodicals and published her writings on Christian Science implies a desire for their wise circulation.
In some localities those in charge of our literature distribution have allowed their zeal to outrun their wisdom. The intensified activities of some well-meaning distribution committees have in certain directions led them to adopt methods which approximate commercialism. The number of pieces distributed rather than the results achieved seemed to be of first importance.
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February 25, 1922 issue
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The Second Mile
Real Rest
"But thou shalt know hereafter"
True Compassion
Being Born Again
God's Day
That "Christian Science is neither religion nor science,...
Louis E. Scholl
In an article in your paper, statements "made in the...
Harry K. Filler
One who subscribes himself "A Reader" takes exception,...
Brigman C. Odom
My attention has been called to an advertisement recently...
William E. Brown
An address given recently at the Kewanee Public Library,...
Longley Taylor
Literature Distribution
The Christian Science Board of Directors
Spiritual Healing
Albert F. Gilmore
"Rest in the Lord"
Duncan Sinclair
Ella W. Hoag
with contributions from Charles E. Jarvis
The Lectures
with contributions from M. Ethel Whitcomb, Anna T. Boyd
I should like to prove a little of the gratitude I feel for...
Elizabeth Walker
I had tried many times to become interested in a religion,...
David T. Farrow
This is to certify that while our son was away in the...
Clara A. Davidson
I first turned to Christian Science for healing after having...
Ethel Munro Goss
About twelve years ago, when in a very wretched condition...
Agnes J. Malcolm
A few years ago I had three distinct attacks of the then...
Edwin H. Rothert
I am deeply grateful for the understanding of Christian Science...
Isabel M. Meikle
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Frederick L. Allen, T. Rhonnda Williams