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Love and gratitude for Christian Science have led me...
Love and gratitude for Christian Science have led me to write this testimony, trusting that any one experiencing similar conditions may read and profit. When I was a child my mother passed on as the result of tuberculosis, and two years later my brother followed. I was a delicate child, and seemed to inherit my mother's tendencies. Relatives and friends believed that I would eventually have the same disease. As I grew into womanhood the belief of heredity developed. Each spring I would have a total breakdown and a cough lasting for months. I tried different remedies, but finally our family physician found my left lung affected. I was finally somewhat relieved and discontinued the treatment he had recommended, but the evidence of heredity remained. Each year I experienced the same conditions.
In the spring of 1914 a neighbor whom I had never met called upon me on business, and each time she came I was sick. She expressed so much love that I looked forward to her visits. Our conversation drifted toward religion. From childhood I have been interested in church work, was at the time a Sunday school teacher in a Baptist church, but never heard any one quote Scripture as she did. She frequently left a Sentinel for me to read, and when she went away for the summer she lent me a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. I began reading the book and became interested in its religious teachings. I was under the doctor's care, spending my time lying in the hammock, wrapped in a heavy bath robe, the hot summer's sun shining on me. I enjoyed reading and resting, and by the time I finished the book I was up and about my housework, with interest I had not experienced for some time, and was healed, although it was not until the following winter that I fully realized the belief of heredity had entirely disappeared.
In the fall an abscess formed on my face, which was very painful. I called in the doctor and after I had suffered with it for a month he lanced it. The swelling did not go down as it should, and he said I might expect such abscesses to form often. He mentioned other things I might look for, which made me quite unhappy. As I passed the home of my friend who had previously shown so much love, I decided to call on her, and after spending a pleasant afternoon with her, promised I would visit her church. I went to the Christian Science church on the following Sunday. The Lesson-Sermon was on "Truth." The golden text was, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." I realized then that this was what I had looked for all my life, and became interested at once. In March an abscess began to form again and I called on a Christian Science practitioner. The abscess broke without any of the discomfort which I had before experienced and I have not had any return. In the spring of 1918 I had a cough and used the understanding I had of Science as best I could, but there was a condition surrounding me I could not seem to clear my thought of; so the cough developed into pleurisy, and my heart and lung were affected. The pain was intense and I could not stand up straight. I called in a practitioner and realized the healing at her first visit, although it was three weeks before it was manifested on the body. I have never felt any of the pains which follow that disease. The spiritual uplifting I received during convalescence was wonderful and I am deeply grateful for that experience. I greatly desired to pay the practitioner for her loving help but could not see my way clear to do so. Realizing that God is the source of supply, I was very unexpectedly called by a friend to assist him at his place of business during his wife's absence. I accepted, and rejoiced to know that the opportunity had come for me to recompense the practitioner for her work.
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August 14, 1920 issue
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"Crumbs of comfort"
Distinguished Service Order
Right Knowing
Giving Testimony
Count Your Blessings
Our Isaac
A dispatch of recent date announces the verdict of a New Jersey...
William E. Brown
During the course of his sermon, as reported in a recent...
Harry K. Filler
The brief editorial entitled "Curtailing Religious Freedom"...
Samuel J. Macdonald
Fallen Man
Frederick Dixon
Language That Heals
Gustavus S. Paine
The Lectures
with contributions from Ella D. Schindler, Albert W. Hall, Bertha L. Babcock, Paul Thiele, J. M. Bach, Frank Briggs, Israel Pickens, Robert A. Silliman, F. E. Gerlach, Rendle Carl Leathem, E. R. B. Allardice, W. G. Koch, F. Elmo Robinson, James C. Finney
Love and gratitude for Christian Science have led me...
Laura R. Donges
With a heart full of thankfulness for many blessings I...
Beryl Rosa Ware
Gratitude for Christian Science and for our dear Leader,...
Harriette S. Frost
About five years before learning of Christian Science I...
Harold L. Hilton
Many blessings have come into my life through the understanding...
Margaret Tweedale
Hoping that this testimony may be a help to some one...
Adde Ashbrook Sexton
"Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there...
Elizabeth McKnight
For a long time I have wanted to give my testimony of...
Stella Whiting
The first Sunday in July, 1919, proved to be an eventful...
Frank E. Huckle
I wish to give thanks for Christian Science
Rosina E. Hargreaves
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Richard C. Cabot, Paul S. Leinbach