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The first Sunday in July, 1919, proved to be an eventful...
The first Sunday in July, 1919, proved to be an eventful day in my life. That day I attended my first Christian Science service. Up to that time I always had a longing to be good. I went to that service, which since has meant so much to me, with hatred in my heart toward close relations who I thought had shown me injustice, ingratitude, and persecution for years of self-sacrifice and devotion. I shall never forget that service; one of the hymns sung was one that my dear mother used to sing around the house when I was a boy. It brought tears to my eyes, tears of sorrow for those who had misunderstood me, tears of joy to think how proud my dear mother would be to see her boy singing the praises of God. I took a Journal from the rack in the church corridor and read it studiously. The next Wednesday evening I attended the testimony meeting, and there got the needed help. A good brother got up who had been placed in similar circumstances, and through his grateful testimony of God's goodness, I came to the conclusion that if my friends too had found "the pearl of great price" the evil thoughts would leave them. I at once felt sorry for them, and from that day, thank God, have tried to demonstrate to them by my actions and kindness what it means to realize God's ever presence.
When I wrote of my good fortune to a sister in England, I found to my great surprise and pleasure that an older sister, with whom I had not corresponded for thirty-one years, had found the truth seven years ago and was a practitioner. I knew I had found a friend. I wrote to her immediately and have received inspiring and helpful letters from her. Having no friends in Christian Science I was placed in a position where materially I had everything to discourage me, but I thank God now that He gave me a chance to work out my own salvation. I look upon life differently and instead of my old friends laughing at me, as I once thought they would, God has enabled me to demonstrate kindness to such an extent that they appreciate it and have often spoken of what a different man I am. During my earnest study of this ever satisfying truth about God, I often wondered if when error in the form of sickness presented itself I would be brave enough to depend absolutely on God for help. This I regret to say somewhat worried me as I had a very humble position, daily necessities used up all my income, and I often thought if I got sick the quicker I got well the better, whether it was through the drug store or God. I can now see that evil was trying to tempt me. Well, at last it came, in the form of a very severe attack of lumbago. I had no money so I could not afford to be idle, but I thought, "Choose you this day whom ye will serve." When I gave up work I rushed to a practitioner before I changed my mind. And instead of his asking me if my father died of kidney trouble and all the other foolish questions I had been asked by doctors, which would naturally cause a man to think himself dying, the last words he said to me, smilingly, when I left him were, "Put on the whole armour of God," and I started in to obey him. The old enemy hated to leave and I began to think there was something wrong and found I was not trusting God as I should. I was worrying about getting back to work, but by reading Science and Health I overcame that, for I thought, "I will fear no evil: for thou art with me." During these days I received what I would have thought in the past a very provoking message, but my thoughts were of God's love toward me, and I wrote a kind letter in reply. After delivering that letter I went to a lunch room, and sat down with great difficulty, but instantly I felt as if some heavy weight had been taken from my back. I was healed. I returned to my room somewhat bewildered and sat down and arose several times to see if it was true. Now I know God is my ever present help in time of trouble, and thanks to Christian Science I have found out we cannot compromise with worry and expect God's protection, as the very fact of our worrying proves we are not depending absolutely on our only Comforter. I thank God for this wonderful healing. I thank Him that the truth found me when I was hungry for divine companionship, and thank Him for blessing this world with such a noble, unassuming, and devoted Christian as our dear, beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy. Knowing how error tries to discourage beginners, I hope this will help other young students.
Frank E. Huckle, Boston, Mass.
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August 14, 1920 issue
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"Crumbs of comfort"
Distinguished Service Order
Right Knowing
Giving Testimony
Count Your Blessings
Our Isaac
A dispatch of recent date announces the verdict of a New Jersey...
William E. Brown
During the course of his sermon, as reported in a recent...
Harry K. Filler
The brief editorial entitled "Curtailing Religious Freedom"...
Samuel J. Macdonald
Fallen Man
Frederick Dixon
Language That Heals
Gustavus S. Paine
The Lectures
with contributions from Ella D. Schindler, Albert W. Hall, Bertha L. Babcock, Paul Thiele, J. M. Bach, Frank Briggs, Israel Pickens, Robert A. Silliman, F. E. Gerlach, Rendle Carl Leathem, E. R. B. Allardice, W. G. Koch, F. Elmo Robinson, James C. Finney
Love and gratitude for Christian Science have led me...
Laura R. Donges
With a heart full of thankfulness for many blessings I...
Beryl Rosa Ware
Gratitude for Christian Science and for our dear Leader,...
Harriette S. Frost
About five years before learning of Christian Science I...
Harold L. Hilton
Many blessings have come into my life through the understanding...
Margaret Tweedale
Hoping that this testimony may be a help to some one...
Adde Ashbrook Sexton
"Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there...
Elizabeth McKnight
For a long time I have wanted to give my testimony of...
Stella Whiting
The first Sunday in July, 1919, proved to be an eventful...
Frank E. Huckle
I wish to give thanks for Christian Science
Rosina E. Hargreaves
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Richard C. Cabot, Paul S. Leinbach