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An evangelist recently delivered a sermon to the church-going...
Nowata (Okla.) Star
An evangelist recently delivered a sermon to the church-going people of Nowata, a sermon worn threadbare by repeated use in vain attempts to discredit Christian Science. In this sermon, as reported in a recent issue, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, is also assailed. Christian Scientists are charged with the statement that "there is no sin," with the desecration of the Lord's Prayer, and as not believing in a "personal God." Such unmeaning loquacity fails to convince or convert sinners, nor does it draw people from the Christian Science faith.
There is but one God to the Christian Scientist, the God of the Bible, and we are told therein that "God is a Spirit," recognizing all His creation as spiritual. The investigator who enters upon the quest for health, peace, and happiness, with an open mind, discovers in Christian that "God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love" (Science and Health, p. 465). Emerging from the mists of materialism, which would would hang a pall over the spiritual vision, the true man appears, who heretofore has been lost sight of through the belief in sin. Man as understood in Christian Science is the image and likeness of God. The Scriptures corroborate this statement and God's word ends all argument: "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." The image and likeness which is referred to is spiritual and perfect, not the base counterfeit referred to by our esteemed critic.
Christian Science is a religion of love, and is known throughout the civilized world as demonstrable in our daily lives. By its study men are made better, seeking higher ideals in every walk of life. It is indeed a religion of progress, enlightening all mankind. Through the discovery of this gentle New England woman, the Bible has been rescued from dusty, secluded corners in many households, and restored to its rightful estate. The teachings of Jesus of Nazareth are again found practicable in everyday affairs; the great truth the Master taught was not for a chosen few but for all who follow in his steps. "Neither pray I for these alone," he said, "but for them also which shall believe on me through their word."
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August 14, 1920 issue
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"Crumbs of comfort"
Distinguished Service Order
Right Knowing
Giving Testimony
Count Your Blessings
Our Isaac
A dispatch of recent date announces the verdict of a New Jersey...
William E. Brown
During the course of his sermon, as reported in a recent...
Harry K. Filler
The brief editorial entitled "Curtailing Religious Freedom"...
Samuel J. Macdonald
Fallen Man
Frederick Dixon
Language That Heals
Gustavus S. Paine
The Lectures
with contributions from Ella D. Schindler, Albert W. Hall, Bertha L. Babcock, Paul Thiele, J. M. Bach, Frank Briggs, Israel Pickens, Robert A. Silliman, F. E. Gerlach, Rendle Carl Leathem, E. R. B. Allardice, W. G. Koch, F. Elmo Robinson, James C. Finney
Love and gratitude for Christian Science have led me...
Laura R. Donges
With a heart full of thankfulness for many blessings I...
Beryl Rosa Ware
Gratitude for Christian Science and for our dear Leader,...
Harriette S. Frost
About five years before learning of Christian Science I...
Harold L. Hilton
Many blessings have come into my life through the understanding...
Margaret Tweedale
Hoping that this testimony may be a help to some one...
Adde Ashbrook Sexton
"Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there...
Elizabeth McKnight
For a long time I have wanted to give my testimony of...
Stella Whiting
The first Sunday in July, 1919, proved to be an eventful...
Frank E. Huckle
I wish to give thanks for Christian Science
Rosina E. Hargreaves
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Richard C. Cabot, Paul S. Leinbach