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About five years before learning of Christian Science I...
About five years before learning of Christian Science I suffered from stomach trouble, and what misery and fear attended this disease no one knows better than I. Many physicians were consulted and finally a stomach specialist whose constant care I was under for three years. Strict diet, stomach pumps, and medicine were then my companions. Pills in one pocket, powders in another, and bottles of liquid medicine at home, together with my watch keeping time that I might know when I was to swallow them, made up my daily equipment. Often I would stop in drug stores to bathe my face and wrists, and on several occasions I had to ask strangers to get off the street cars with me and help me home. With much unpleasantness and distress I lived from day to day.
One morning while on the way to my office, a gentleman spoke to me of Christian Science, and that evening when I told my wife of the conversation with him she became exceedingly interested and we decided to go to a Wednesday evening meeting to hear some testimonies, but I declared that for my part it would only be for spiritual reasons and not for healing. About two weeks later we visited the church and were much impressed with the service and testimonies. When leaving the church I took a Sentinel and Journal from a table containing free literature. From the moment I commenced reading, I knew I had found what I was in search of, for I always felt and knew that "God is love." The next day while at my office, with the voice of Truth still whispering to me, I was led to telephone to my wife to learn the name of a Christian Science practitioner, and that evening on my way home I made my first visit and had my first treatment. I know that it was an instantaneous healing, for until the next week when I again called on this practitioner I felt no symptoms of my trouble. I told her that I felt better, and she said that I was healed. Here is where I make a frank confession. If I had not realized how impolite it was, I know that I would have laughed at her,—to think of three years under a specialist with no results and only one Christian Science treatment and healed,—but I was healed. It is over four years ago and I have not had the slightest return of this trouble.
Many other healings have been accomplished. I am thankful to God for this wonderful truth and grateful to Mrs. Eddy for her untiring effort in placing this gift within reach of all mankind.
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August 14, 1920 issue
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"Crumbs of comfort"
Distinguished Service Order
Right Knowing
Giving Testimony
Count Your Blessings
Our Isaac
A dispatch of recent date announces the verdict of a New Jersey...
William E. Brown
During the course of his sermon, as reported in a recent...
Harry K. Filler
The brief editorial entitled "Curtailing Religious Freedom"...
Samuel J. Macdonald
Fallen Man
Frederick Dixon
Language That Heals
Gustavus S. Paine
The Lectures
with contributions from Ella D. Schindler, Albert W. Hall, Bertha L. Babcock, Paul Thiele, J. M. Bach, Frank Briggs, Israel Pickens, Robert A. Silliman, F. E. Gerlach, Rendle Carl Leathem, E. R. B. Allardice, W. G. Koch, F. Elmo Robinson, James C. Finney
Love and gratitude for Christian Science have led me...
Laura R. Donges
With a heart full of thankfulness for many blessings I...
Beryl Rosa Ware
Gratitude for Christian Science and for our dear Leader,...
Harriette S. Frost
About five years before learning of Christian Science I...
Harold L. Hilton
Many blessings have come into my life through the understanding...
Margaret Tweedale
Hoping that this testimony may be a help to some one...
Adde Ashbrook Sexton
"Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there...
Elizabeth McKnight
For a long time I have wanted to give my testimony of...
Stella Whiting
The first Sunday in July, 1919, proved to be an eventful...
Frank E. Huckle
I wish to give thanks for Christian Science
Rosina E. Hargreaves
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Richard C. Cabot, Paul S. Leinbach