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It is nine years this summer since I first became a member...
It is nine years this summer since I first became a member of a Christian Science Sunday school. I had never attended any Sunday school before, as there was no Jewish temple in the town in which I then lived, so I was especially delighted when my family began to attend the Christian Science church, and I asked if I might join the Sunday school. From my first Sunday there until my twentieth birthday, which was just seven years, I was a regular attendant. I am very grateful for this opportunity—this privilege. I sometimes wonder if people who have never had the chance to attend a Christian Science Sunday school realize what a wonderful privilege it is.
I have always had good health, so I have not had any so-called big physical problems to meet, but the many socalled small physical demonstrations that I have had have seemed big to me, and I am very grateful for them. Last spring I was unable to attend school for a week, the first time in nine years that I have been in bed in the daytime, but that week of treatments and reading on my part, brought such wonderful results that I felt entirely made over, and had more strength than I had had in a long time, and I am very grateful for the experience. Later some friends insisted that I had had influenza, which made me all the more grateful for my quick and complete recovery.
Christian Science has been a wonderful help to me in my school work. The biggest problems that have been met, through my own understanding of the operation of God's law, are the demonstration over a seeming inability to understand geometry, which was corrected by changing a thought of hate to one of love for my teacher, thereby raising me from the foot to the head of the class in three months; the demonstration which enabled me to receive more than just a passing mark in history; and the crowning one, which enabled me to get through a course in psychology with a very good mark, in spite of the fact that I learned practically nothing. The latter sounds like an impossibility, and would be, from a material standpoint, but in Science we know that nothing that is right is impossible. Being a required subject, I had to take and pass an examination in psychology, but as its laws are contrary to God's law, I did not have to learn them. I studied my psychology textbook, but could not seem to remember anything I read. At the time of an examination I relied on God's law: the understanding that I reflect God, the only Mind and intelligence; that nothing right can be required of man that he cannot do; that "Love never faileth," as one of our solos says; also I found the tenth verse of the forty-first chapter of Isaiah a wonderful help, together with many other declarations of Truth. This reliance on God enabled me to pass each examination as it came, with a good mark, without seeming to know the required answers before starting to write. The more I think of it, the more wonderful this demonstration seems, and I am truly grateful for it.
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June 12, 1920 issue
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Love's Sufficiency
The Interpreter
One Government
The Unity of the Faith
In a recent issue there appears the following statement,...
Charles W. J. Tennant
City of God
Law and Its Counterfeit
Frederick Dixon
Gustavus S. Paine
The Lectures
with contributions from Bicknell Young , Ralph O. Brewster, Christine Paulson, Jerome B. Burbank, Charles F. Southworth, Laurene Hook, Ben Fitzpatrick, Willietta McCraken, J. H. Henderson, Bessie Turner Allen
We read in Deuteronomy, "The eternal God is thy...
Arthur W. Walter
I should like to express in some measure my gratitude...
Sonia V. M. Dougherty
It is now four years since I began the study of Christian Science
Abbie E. Higgins
For many months the Christian Science Sentinel has...
Sarah K. Johnson
Since the birth of my now ten-year-old son I suffered...
Agnes Schuster
I wish to express my gratitude for a knowledge of Christian Science,...
W. Colin Smith with contributions from W. Colin Smith
In the year 1914 we adopted a baby boy three weeks...
Lina L. Rathbun
It is with a heart full of gratitude to Mrs. Eddy, the...
Alberta R. Mitchell
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Robert Hopkin