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The Interpreter
DIVINE Mind is ever in direct communication with His idea, the real man. He therefore never has need of an intermediary by which to make His presence, power, and intelligence fully and demonstrably known and felt. Mortals, the product of the false, fleshly, supposititious, carnal, or death mind, do, however, seem to be in constant need of something which will remind them that God, divine Mind, is uninterruptedly making known to man, His idea, just exactly what it is right for man to know,—what man needs to know and must know. The human race supposes that it needs an interpreter for these divine messages, and it is for this reason that some of the world's most noted men and women have been so regarded, simply because they had the clear vision and ability to interpret for humanity the import of vital, spiritual truths. When all men correctly interpret the truths which emanate from the one infinite Mind, or consciousness, the reign of universal harmony will be conceded to be a present and demonstrable fact.
"We can have but one Mind, if that one is infinite," writes Mrs. Eddy on page 469 of Science and Health. A realization that this one and only good Mind, or Mind of good, is omnipresence, omnipotence, and omniscience, when steadfastly adhered to inevitably prevents men from differing from each other. They, then, must of necessity be able to understand each other thoroughly, and for that reason to be always in perfect agreement. It is because the truth about God, the one and only Mind, is not properly interpreted, that they utterly fail to understand each other as they should. It is, then, this interpretation of what properly constitutes the facts of creation which must be gained in order that that Mind may be in us, "which was also in Christ Jesus." The universe of divine Mind must always be inseparable from and coexistent with Him, for cause is always one with the effect which expresses it.
In that remarkable second chapter of Acts, we find that "when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. . . . And they were filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance." We are further told, in this same chapter, that all that were there gathered together heard what the disciples said in the tongue or language of their own country, and yet that each and all perfectly understood Peter as he delivered that memorable sermon which explains so beautifully and simply the truth about God and His Christ. Here was no disorder, no confusion, no doubt, no misunderstanding. Peter was interpreting to them and for them the message given him by divine Mind. Furthermore, he was telling it in a language which must ever be common to all climes and peoples—the language of Spirit.
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June 12, 1920 issue
View Issue-
Love's Sufficiency
The Interpreter
One Government
The Unity of the Faith
In a recent issue there appears the following statement,...
Charles W. J. Tennant
City of God
Law and Its Counterfeit
Frederick Dixon
Gustavus S. Paine
The Lectures
with contributions from Bicknell Young , Ralph O. Brewster, Christine Paulson, Jerome B. Burbank, Charles F. Southworth, Laurene Hook, Ben Fitzpatrick, Willietta McCraken, J. H. Henderson, Bessie Turner Allen
We read in Deuteronomy, "The eternal God is thy...
Arthur W. Walter
I should like to express in some measure my gratitude...
Sonia V. M. Dougherty
It is now four years since I began the study of Christian Science
Abbie E. Higgins
For many months the Christian Science Sentinel has...
Sarah K. Johnson
Since the birth of my now ten-year-old son I suffered...
Agnes Schuster
I wish to express my gratitude for a knowledge of Christian Science,...
W. Colin Smith with contributions from W. Colin Smith
In the year 1914 we adopted a baby boy three weeks...
Lina L. Rathbun
It is with a heart full of gratitude to Mrs. Eddy, the...
Alberta R. Mitchell
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Robert Hopkin