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"Know thyself"
The rich young ruler who came to Jesus asking what he should do to inherit eternal life was told to "keep the commandments." Upon his replying that he had done this from his youth, Jesus, with his clear insight, instantly touched upon the weak point in the young man's thinking—his love of wealth. When Jesus told him that this must be given up, we are told that the young man "went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions." He may have argued that Jesus was asking too much of him. He may have gone further and questioned why his material abundance should be cast aside, inasmuch as lack certainly is not a quality of infinite good. But whatever the arguments of self-will, self-justification, self-love may be, they cannot alter the changeless fact that so long as any specific error is enthroned, just so much is the truth shut out from realization.
If healing seems delayed, the seeker may be unconsciously holding to some pet phase of mortal mind, or may even be arguing that he is justified in refusing to let it go, persuading himself that he has not yet progressed far enough in this Science of Spirit to give up this particular form of materiality. One who desires to retain pleasure in matter, at the same time asking for freedom from pain and discord, is laboring in a way which is likely to prove disappointing. It is impossible to give power to the belief of pleasure in matter and not to the belief of pain.
In "The Way" (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 355) we are shown very clearly that self-knowledge, humility, and love are very necessary acquisitions; and in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 571) we find the admonition, "Know thyself, and God will supply the wisdom and the occasion for a victory over evil." Self-knowledge demands an understanding of Principle. The average person has permitted his thoughts to run riot, not even knowing what has been filling consciousness, much less what motive actuates thought and deed. Earnest, alert, persistent work is required to arrive at the point where we truly know ourselves and the motives which impel our acts and words. We may in all sincerity believe we are committing an act in love and with the idea of service, when a careful analysis will show that hidden in the deeper recesses of consciousness is a subtle suggestion of possible benefit to be gained for ourselves. The detection of actual motives requires very careful analysis, because the first motive which comes to our thought is often not the real one.
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August 30, 1919 issue
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"Know thyself"
Anxiety for the Future
Spontaneous Healing
Mastering Adverse Circumstances
The Father Doeth the Works
Urim and Thummim
Belief versus Knowledge
In answer to the assertion by a local pastor in his sermon...
Joseph E. Badger in
A writer states that "Christian Science was born through...
F. B. Schwentker in
Recognizing the inevitable correlation of Christian practice...
W. Stuart Booth in
I read with much interest the sermon in which a rector...
M. Scott Till in
Weak Things That Are Mighty
William P. McKenzie
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from William Merritt Pardue, John M. Dean, Ella E. Manning, Benjamin F. Burtless, C. P. Herd, James S. Baley, Louis J. Lewis, Evelyn M. Carr, Aletta B. Gorman, Asa T. Patterson, Roy M. McCloud, Eric Brown, Alice P. Valley
As a man daily engaged in the affairs of the business...
Thomas P. Myers
I have been so much benefited by reading the testimonies...
with contributions from Elizabeth Briggs
I have been helped in every way by Christian Science
Louise Roberts
After reading the testimonies in the Sentinel each week...
Mary F. Haines
Other when suffering from some discordant condition I...
George Allen Bradley
All through my life I have had a strong desire to know...
Grace K. Bates
A number of years after my marriage I became a helpless...
Harriet E. Hawley
About four years ago I first asked for Christian Science...
Lydia Margret Query
I rejoice and am exceedingly glad that since I became interested...
Mathilda Vor Keller
I should like to express my thankfulness to God for...
Esther M. Guthrie
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Waller Chinneck, A. G. Graves