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Among the Churches
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Staten Island Advance
Staten Island, N. Y. —The Sunday school unit of the new Christian Science church at the corner of Castleton and Oakland Avenues will be opened to the public to-morrow morning [July 13].
First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Staten Island was incorporated under the laws of the state of New York in April, 1900, and for several years held services in the Masonic Hall at Port Richmond. In 1904 the church purchased the building at 67 Stuyvesant Place, New Brighton, which was remodeled to meet the requirements, and services have been held there ever since. The growth of interest in Christian Science has made larger quarters necessary for some time, and the members have desired an edifice that would be more adequate for the increasing activities of the church. Some years ago three lots on Richmond Terrace near the Castleton Apartments were purchased with the intention of building an edifice at that location, but it was felt that the church should be nearer the center of population and these lots were not used. With the erection of the new structure on Castleton Avenue it has been decided to sell these lots on Richmond Terrace.
Within a radius of two miles of the church are Port Richmond, Westerleigh, West New Brighton, New Brighton, Tompkinsville, and Stapleton. The church is twenty minutes from St. George ferry by the Castleton Avenue car, and may be reached by the street car or railroad from all parts of Staten Island. The basement unit represents a cost of twenty-three thousand dollars, exclusive of land. The Sunday school auditorium, which will be used for both Sunday school and church services until the remainder of the building is completed, will seat about two hundred and fifty people. In addition there are seven classrooms for the use of the Sunday school, and a large room which will be furnished as a reading room. The church when completed will cost about forty-five thousand dollars, and will provide a main auditorium capable of accommodating about four hundred people.—Staten Island Advance.
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August 30, 1919 issue
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"Know thyself"
Anxiety for the Future
Spontaneous Healing
Mastering Adverse Circumstances
The Father Doeth the Works
Urim and Thummim
Belief versus Knowledge
In answer to the assertion by a local pastor in his sermon...
Joseph E. Badger in
A writer states that "Christian Science was born through...
F. B. Schwentker in
Recognizing the inevitable correlation of Christian practice...
W. Stuart Booth in
I read with much interest the sermon in which a rector...
M. Scott Till in
Weak Things That Are Mighty
William P. McKenzie
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from William Merritt Pardue, John M. Dean, Ella E. Manning, Benjamin F. Burtless, C. P. Herd, James S. Baley, Louis J. Lewis, Evelyn M. Carr, Aletta B. Gorman, Asa T. Patterson, Roy M. McCloud, Eric Brown, Alice P. Valley
As a man daily engaged in the affairs of the business...
Thomas P. Myers
I have been so much benefited by reading the testimonies...
with contributions from Elizabeth Briggs
I have been helped in every way by Christian Science
Louise Roberts
After reading the testimonies in the Sentinel each week...
Mary F. Haines
Other when suffering from some discordant condition I...
George Allen Bradley
All through my life I have had a strong desire to know...
Grace K. Bates
A number of years after my marriage I became a helpless...
Harriet E. Hawley
About four years ago I first asked for Christian Science...
Lydia Margret Query
I rejoice and am exceedingly glad that since I became interested...
Mathilda Vor Keller
I should like to express my thankfulness to God for...
Esther M. Guthrie
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Waller Chinneck, A. G. Graves