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I cannot longer let my healing go unacknowledged
I cannot longer let my healing go unacknowledged. Nearly seven years ago I was employed in the office of a well-known surgeon in a western city. Assisting him was a laboratory specialist, and sharing his office were a specialist in children's diseases and a regular medical practitioner. When I was suddenly taken ill with what the physicians called tic douloureux, a pain in one of the nerves in the face, which came without warning and which only morphine seemed to relieve, I was told there was no known cure for it because there was no known cause. I was sent to a dentist and to an oculist; the X-ray was used; prescriptions were administered, and still the terrifying attacks of pain continued until I did not dare to leave my room. The doctors tried earnestly to give relief. The surgeon said he could remove the nerve which was causing the trouble, but could not guarantee that the pain would not return in another nerve; besides, the operation would leave a long scar which would disfigure me for life, and he strongly opposed it. The oculist told me to wear glasses the remainder of my days. In testing my eyes he kept me nearly blind for ten days, and after this treatment my eyes, which had never given me a moment's trouble, were so weak that I could not look at the light. Naturally glasses seemed the only remedy for this unnatural weakness.
Up to the time of these attacks I had, in common with the physicians, treated Christian Science lightly, usually assuming that something was mentally wrong with a person who preferred it to medical treatment, but finally I told my grandmother there was nothing else left to try. The following day I went to a practitioner, and I was healed in a very short time having only two minor attacks of the trouble following the first treatment. The first attack came within twenty-four hours, early in the morning. I called the practitioner, but immediately afterwards asked for the doctor in the building, who I knew would administer the morphine. The small voice of Truth was again at hand, however, urging me to give Christian Science at least a trial, and before the doctor had time to leave his room I called again and told him not to come. At once the pain vanished, and with the exception of one very slight attack a short time afterwards I have not had it since. The glasses went the way of the nerve trouble. My position with the physicians was held open for me, but I did not need to go back to it. Another position came to me with an increase in salary, and following that came a better position. So it has been ever since. Just so long as I am faithful to the teaching of Christian Science, progress is made. I have worked steadily for more than six years without missing a day.
Christian Science is so universal in its application that no one need be without it. It would be terrible to go back to the old way of thinking with all its fears and doubts and dependence on a system that time and again pronounces its own inability to heal; to worship a God after off, and not know Him for the ever present, loving Father whose law governs harmoniously. My gratitude to Mrs. Eddy is unbounded for thus opening our eyes to the truth about God and His perfect creation.
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November 1, 1919 issue
View Issue-
The Grace of Geniality
"Be thou an example"
Individual Salvation
Following Principle
Ignorance versus Understanding
A Grain of Mustard Seed
The Dawn
"The poppies of Flanders"
Surely the crucial question about any method is, Are the...
Addington C. Cronk
While the Rev. Mr.—may choose to blame ignorance...
Peter V. Ross
Existence as understood in Christian Science is spiritual...
Aaron E. Brandt
The whole world has been, and is yet to a large extent,...
W. Stuart Booth
Preference in Honor
William P. McKenzie
True Ambition
Ella W. Hoag
Special Announcement
with contributions from Chas. E. Jarvis
The Lectures
with contributions from Flora Kiefer, John H. Perry, Ancil T. Brown
The testimonies in the Journal and Sentinel have been...
Augusta Dassler
I cannot longer let my healing go unacknowledged
Marion F. Lewis
It is with the deepest gratitude and love I send my testimony
Mabel Patterson
Over twenty years ago Christian Science was first...
Alice Livingstone Eagan
I gratefully acknowledge the good which I have received...
Olive VanSickle
I feel a deep sense of gratitude toward Mrs. Eddy for...
E. A. MacNeil with contributions from E. A. MacNeil
Christian Science is indeed the "pearl of great price" to...
Myrtle Roberts
In taking up the study of Christian Science I carried...
Flora Helen Myers
My heart overflows with gratitude for the many blessings...
Matilda J. Hoffman with contributions from Frank V. Hoffman
In the darkest hour of my life, after trying for some...
William E. Burbank
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Joseph Fort Newton