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In the article, "Hospital Experiences," in which the...
Little Falls (N. Y.) Journal and Courier
In the article, "Hospital Experiences," in which the writer tells of his trials and triumphs in a western hospital, reference is made to Christian Science in a manner which needs correction. His expression of joy that a friend of his, a Christian Scientist who had broken her arm, "had common sense enough" to go to the hospital for treatment, naturally leads one to believe him doubtful of either God's willingness or His ability to heal broken arms or "hernia," to which he makes reference. A little farther along in the article, however, the reverend doctor takes a somewhat different tack. He says: "I like to think of God in nature, back of nature, our God, over all, in all, and through all. He is the Healer. He heals by law. The strange remedial power in nature is our only dependence for a cure. 'Bless the Lord ... who healeth all thy diseases.'" And yet he goes to the hospital!
The Christian Scientist learns to trust God in proportion to his understanding of Him and His spiritual creation; and just in the degree of his understanding will he realize that the only healing agency is God. Mrs. Eddy says in Science and Health (p. 243), "The divine Love, which made harmless the poisonous viper, which delivered men from the boiling oil, from the fiery furnace, from the jaws of the lion, can heal the sick in every age and triumph over sin anddeath." Now the Christian Scientist has learned to trust God fully, and he does not need the ministrations of either the surgeon or the doctor. That is to say, he has come to have full reliance on the beneficent power of infinite Love to meet his every need; and so relying, he is healed.
While Mrs. Eddy states that until the supremacy of Mind is more generally admitted, it is better for Christian Scientists to leave cases of dislocations and broken bones to surgeons, she also says (Science and Health, p. 402): "Christian Science is always the most skilful surgeon, but surgery is the branch of its healing which will be last acknowledged. However, it is but just to say that the author has already in her possession well-authenticated records of the cure, by herself and her students through mental surgery alone, of broken bones, dislocated joints, and spinal vertebræ." Since the above was written many additional cases of dislocations, broken bones, and hernia, to which reference is made, have been perfectly and completely healed through Christian Science.
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September 7, 1918 issue
View Issue-
The Inspiration of Sacrifice
"Giving and hearing"
Educational Value of the Monitor
"I have given you an example"
Love for the Sunday School
In the article, "Hospital Experiences," in which the...
Albert F. Gilmore
The report of a sermon delivered recently quotes the...
Elizabeth T. Bell
Christian Scientists do not publicly attack the religious...
Robert G. Steel
Will You Be as a Star?
William P. McKenzie
Freedom and Service
Annie M. Knott
War and Peace
William D. McCrackan
The Lectures
with contributions from Minnie W. Cole, Otto L. Saal, Leslie F. McCullough, William C. Kaufman, J. E. McDonald, Leslie P. Strong, Julia Billings
Christian Science found me a cripple on crutches
Cecil Harcourt-Morris
For the past twenty years Truth, God, as revealed in...
Leon J. Corbey with contributions from A. Corbey
I am deeply grateful to be able to testify to the healing...
Barbara C. Nelson with contributions from Barbara L. Cuthbertson
In 1889 I was taken down with typhoid fever
H. C. Thompson
I have long felt a desire to express my gratitude for and...
Mary E. Tolmie
With a deep sense of gratitude to God and also to Mrs. Eddy...
Fannie S. Culmore
I am grateful to Christian Science because it has healed...
George Plummer with contributions from H. W. Charlton
The questions often present themselves to me, Can I...
Christina K. Benson
From the Press
with contributions from MacLean , Sclater, Thomas B. Gregory