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Educational Value of the Monitor
While a student at a state university, the writer had the privilege of serving on the distribution committee of the Christian Science Society at the university. It was the desire of the members not to thrust our literature before prejudiced eyes, but to select papers containing articles which would be of special interest to professors or students. It so happened that at this time I was taking a course in comparative literature in which we were studying English translations of the great masterpieces of French literature. One evening while looking through the Monitor I noticed on the "Home Forum" page a short poem which had been translated from the French, and which bore the title of a poem soon to be studied in this class. I questioned whether or not this poem might interest the professor. Supposing that he was already familiar with this translation, I hesitated to send him the paper. I was, however, overjoyed to find in it something closely related to my work, and I desired to have the professor recognize also that the Monitor is truly intended for all mankind; consequently, with a joyous, grateful feeling in my heart, as though I were sending a hearty "Good morning" greeting, I marked the poem, folded the paper, and mailed it to him.
On the day that the class was to discuss this poem, the professor began by saying: "I have two translations of the same poem which I wish to read. One is far superior to the other. I shall read both, and you may see for yourselves." After reading them, he commented on the one which he said he considered superior, and finished his comments upon it by saying: "This wonderful translation came to me in The Christian Science Monitor, one of the best newspapers in the United States. I did not know until now that this translation was in existence, and I shall in future use it in my classes." No one can measure the joy which was in my heart when I heard this university professor praise the Monitor so unreservedly before that body of young students. The paper had brought him a rare treasure, a gem of beauty, a literary masterpiece,—something which was to enrich his many years of study and research. The lesson which I gained from this experience was invaluable. Many times I had slighted the poems on the "Home Forum" page, thinking them to be journalistic fillers; but when I found that a learned man who had spent years in the study of French literature had found in the Monitor a fine translation which he did not know was in existence, I decided it would be worth my while to study the page more carefully in the future.
Similar experiences were enjoyed by other members of the same distribution committee. Since that time other instances have proved to me the educational value of the Monitor. Not long ago a teacher of modern history in a high school, on first examining a copy of the paper said, "Oh, it is just like a magazine—but it comes every day!" Noticing an article dealing with the Russian revolution she exclaimed: "This is just what I have been wanting. May I take this home with me?" Thus, wherever the Monitor goes it carries out its Founder's purpose expressed on page 353 of Miscellany, where she says, "The object of the Monitor is to injure no man, but to bless all mankind." Its columns, which reveal the truth concerning the stupendous world problems today, go forth to every corner of this earth. It is an international newspaper enlightening the inquirer, delighting the educated, and showering blessings upon all who will read it with the care it deserves.
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September 7, 1918 issue
View Issue-
The Inspiration of Sacrifice
"Giving and hearing"
Educational Value of the Monitor
"I have given you an example"
Love for the Sunday School
In the article, "Hospital Experiences," in which the...
Albert F. Gilmore
The report of a sermon delivered recently quotes the...
Elizabeth T. Bell
Christian Scientists do not publicly attack the religious...
Robert G. Steel
Will You Be as a Star?
William P. McKenzie
Freedom and Service
Annie M. Knott
War and Peace
William D. McCrackan
The Lectures
with contributions from Minnie W. Cole, Otto L. Saal, Leslie F. McCullough, William C. Kaufman, J. E. McDonald, Leslie P. Strong, Julia Billings
Christian Science found me a cripple on crutches
Cecil Harcourt-Morris
For the past twenty years Truth, God, as revealed in...
Leon J. Corbey with contributions from A. Corbey
I am deeply grateful to be able to testify to the healing...
Barbara C. Nelson with contributions from Barbara L. Cuthbertson
In 1889 I was taken down with typhoid fever
H. C. Thompson
I have long felt a desire to express my gratitude for and...
Mary E. Tolmie
With a deep sense of gratitude to God and also to Mrs. Eddy...
Fannie S. Culmore
I am grateful to Christian Science because it has healed...
George Plummer with contributions from H. W. Charlton
The questions often present themselves to me, Can I...
Christina K. Benson
From the Press
with contributions from MacLean , Sclater, Thomas B. Gregory