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Principle Precedes Method
Those of us who have had the privilege of participating in church building are aware that economic questions of demand and supply arise as frequently and call for the same measure of demonstration as in the individual experiences of the members. The problem of supplying the need must in both cases be handled in the same way. This question often associates itself with the problem of church administration, frequently giving rise to the consideration of methods in handling collections or encouraging contributions.
It is almost universally true of all Christian Science activities that the most businesslike and practical methods of administrative policy are adopted. It is also equally true that the mere method employed, however businesslike or practical, is not the influence which brings results; hence to pin one's faith to any particular system as the means of accomplishing the end desired, is fallacious. On the other hand, to say that we rely upon Principle, and yet fail to adopt a wise and expedient method, is to neglect the necessary human footsteps in the effort to reach the goal. We cannot wisely claim absolute perfection when we are working in materiality. Human organization is itself finite, and is therefore material. Our progress out of the finite and imperfect comes by improving the human concept,—spiritualizing it,—until step by step the finite is replaced by the infinite. Jesus said, "Render to Cæsar the things that are Cæsar's, and to God the things that are God's." Mrs. Eddy showed the same wisdom in her declaration (Science and Health, p. 254), "God requires perfection, but not until the battle between Spirit and flesh is fought and the victory won."
We cannot too often be reminded that true church building in Christian Science is based on healing; that though an organization may increase in membership and succeed in piling stone upon stone until a magnificent edifice has been erected, true church building has not taken place unless the result has come through healing in the broadest sense of the term. Our church is not dependent upon either a large membership or a beautiful edifice, although these will be added when the healing is accomplished. Our church is that which is bringing to the consciousness of mankind the vision of the Christ, whereby sin, sickness, and death—all the beliefs of the carnal mind—are overcome. Then church building is the awakening of the individual, and through him of the multitude, to the allness of divine Truth.
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March 23, 1918 issue
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"Are you faithful? Do you love?"*
Martha Who Served
Principle Precedes Method
Active Service
The Prayer that Heals
"An instrument of ten strings"
In a letter signed "L. B.," published in a recent issue,...
Albert F. Gilmore
Christ Jesus not only preached that the kingdom of...
W. Stuart Booth
In a recent attack made on Christian Science from the...
Rachel A. Banister
Why it should be necessary to criticize the honest and...
Robert G. Steel
In regard to the statement that churches in New York...
H. R. Colborne
"A great freedom for the race"*
William P. McKenzie
The Second Commandment
Annie M. Knott
Planting the Seed
William D. McCrackan
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
with contributions from Charles E. Jarvis
The Lectures
with contributions from A. C. Wilks, H. E. Saunders, L. G. Reynolds
With reverence and humble thanks to God, as well as...
James C. Cassell
I feel it a duty as well as a privilege to send my testimony,...
Ray Jerome with contributions from Etta Bliesner
I am indeed thankful to God that I was led to investigate...
Myrtle March Mellon
I shall always be thankful for the knowledge I have...
Mary E. Harpold
When I came into Christian Science, I was teaching...
Vonia Ray Johnson
When I came into Christian Science I read the testimonies...
Elise Horstman
I want to say how grateful I am for Christian Science,...
Eva C. Elmslie
It is with great pleasure that I express my heartfelt...
Mary L. Atwood
From the Press
with contributions from Washington Gladden, Henry Watterson
with contributions from The Christian Science Publishing Society