I want to say how grateful I am for Christian Science,...

I want to say how grateful I am for Christian Science, and to tell a little of what it has done for me, in the hope that my experience may help others. When I first heard of this teaching I was mentally and physically a wreck, having suffered from nervousness since childhood. My condition steadily became worse, each phase appearing more difficult to combat, until I wondered at last what would happen to me. My family and friends surrounded me with love and every known remedy, but none of these things availed me in the slightest; indeed, they only added to the blackness of despair, for I came at length to the end of all material help and was worse than in the beginning.

At this, the darkest hour, the coming of Christian Science was indeed the dawn. A friend took me to a Wednesday evening testimony meeting and gave me a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy to read before the service commenced. I opened it at the first chapter, entitled "Prayer," and when I came to the words, "Thoughts unspoken are not unknown to the divine Mind" (p. 1), I experienced the healing touch of absolute Truth. All fear left me, and I was instantaneously healed of a physical trouble from which I had suffered all my life. The service indeed proved the vision of the mountain top, and since that time I have never for one instant doubted the truth of the Christ Science, although owing to so many years of wrong thinking a dark time followed. The remembrance of that vision enabled me to hold on.

I have had many physical healings. An acute attack of ptomaine poisoning was overcome within half an hour, a severe condition of pyorrhea was healed in two treatments, and bad colds and other ailments have quickly yielded to the truth. One is naturally grateful for the physical healing, but far more beautiful is the change in character which slowly, perhaps, but very surely goes on if we faithfully do the best we can, seeking first "the kingdom of God, and his righteousness." I am deeply thankful to God for this wonderful truth which is leading me out of bondage into the "glorious liberty of the children of God," and am grateful to Mrs. Eddy, through whose purity, selflessness, and faithfulness the understanding of the Christ, Truth, has been revealed to this age.

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Testimony of Healing
It has been proved to us that Christian Science does heal...
March 23, 1918

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