cannot help being struck by the amount of attention and criticism the incident in the home at Bethany, as recorded in the tenth chapter of Luke, has called forth at all times, but surely at the present day it has reached its climax.
of us who have had the privilege of participating in church building are aware that economic questions of demand and supply arise as frequently and call for the same measure of demonstration as in the individual experiences of the members.
is difficult to realize, without actual experience, what a wonderful assistance Christian Science is to the individual who is called upon to become a soldier and in support of a righteous government to fight for the cause of democracy and freedom.
this seeming wilderness of fear and doubt and despair, there is a longing for an intelligent understanding of prayer which would bring us into closer touch with God and give us a God who is Love, and as Mrs.
the book of Deuteronomy we find the blessing pronounced by Moses upon Judah, in which occur the following words: "Let his hands be sufficient for him.
Those for whom the Bible has been illumined by Christian Science, see in the iterated metaphor of the Scriptures allusion to the appearing to human consciousness of the spiritual idea.
Christ Jesus not only preached that the kingdom of heaven is at hand, but he furnished tangible evidence to corroborate his teaching by healing the sick, freeing the sin bound, overcoming death, and reversing every claim of evil.
Why it should be necessary to criticize the honest and sincere religious beliefs of others in an attempt to gain converts to Christianity, as was done recently by an evangelist, is beyond the comprehension of fair-minded persons.
Our critic who signs his letter "Past Master" may lay down the law as to what are or are not specific doctrines of the Christian creed, but I would point out that he has no right to infer that any individual is not a Christian because he is not a believer in some particular man-made creed or doctrine.
Our critic attacks Christian Science for teaching the unreality of death, when, as a matter of fact, it was the mission of the Master to demonstrate this very thing through the opposite understanding of the infinity of Life.
In regard to the statement that churches in New York City make charges for admission, permit me to say that there is no Christian Science church or society in America or elsewhere that makes any charge for admission to any of its services.
the Christian Science Sunday school the pupils are eager to gain all the understanding of the Scriptures possible, because they early learn that their demonstrations of harmony depend upon their grasp of Truth.
With reverence and humble thanks to God, as well as sincere gratitude to Christian Science for revealing to me the light of Love and Truth, I wish to give the following testimony.
I am indeed thankful to God that I was led to investigate Christian Science, for through the study of the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs.
When I came into Christian Science I read the testimonies first, and the reading of the wonderful healings brought about by prayer made me very happy and grateful.
Christian Science was first presented to me about ten years ago, at a time when I was suffering from what would be called a bad case of acute lung trouble.
I want to say how grateful I am for Christian Science, and to tell a little of what it has done for me, in the hope that my experience may help others.
It is with great pleasure that I express my heartfelt gratitude for the healing which I have experienced through the loving help of a Christian Science practitioner.
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