When a child of about twelve years, while living in India,...

When a child of about twelve years, while living in India, I suffered from brain fever as the result of a severe blow on the head, and the effects of this remained with me for many years. Shortly after this I contracted sunstroke, and a little later jungle fever. This succession of illnesses produced such an effect on what was already considered a delicate constitution, that in the course of time I was practically an invalid, unable to attend to my household duties, and never free from pain, which at times was extremely acute. Later in life I developed what the doctor diagnosed as creeping paralysis, and finally was prostrated with what was stated to be kidney disease. Feeling myself a total wreck I almost despaired of ever finding relief on this plane of consciousness.

For a long time I had been an earnest and constant reader of the Bible, which indeed was my only comfort during many years of sorrow, and from it I knew that God was still able and willing to heal, but how to obtain this healing I did not know. When in this dire need my attention was directed to Christian Science, and a copy of its textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, was lent me. On the advice of a friend I asked for help from a practitioner and during the third treatment all symptoms of the kidney trouble and paralysis disappeared. In place of pain and weakness I experienced a great sense of peace and spiritual uplift. On the fourth day I walked briskly about a mile and a half to attend my first testimony meeting, and back again, rejoicing in the fulfillment of the promise, "They that wait upon the Lord . . . shall run, and not be weary." I was so uplifted by this experience that I discontinued treatment, thinking there was nothing further to be done, but later on I found it necessary to ask for help in Christian Science again, as the old symptoms of brain fever and sunstroke were manifesting themselves. This condition was overcome in one treatment, and although about eleven years have since elapsed I have never had a return of it. Later on I had an attack of bronchial asthma, from which I had suffered periodically for many years. This trouble soon disappeared through the application of Christian Science, and my eyesight, for which I had worn glasses fifteen years, began to improve. Great was my joy on being able to read the Bible and the Christian Science textbook without material aid.

About five years ago I contracted an illness which to mortal sense was very serious, and wishing to save my family any unnecessary trouble, I asked to have a doctor see me. His verdict was that I had a severe attack of congestion of the lungs, and, assuming that I wished him to prescribe for me, stated he would not take the responsibility unless I could see my way to have two nurses at my house. Instead of falling in with this arrangement I had Christian Science treatment, with the result that the trouble was soon overcome. Since this time I have been remarkably free from coughs and colds, and have enjoyed increasingly good health; in fact I am able to attend to my household duties as I never could before.

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Testimony of Healing
I want to give thanks for what Christian Science has...
March 9, 1918

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