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I am more grateful than words can express for the help...
I am more grateful than words can express for the help I have received from Christian Science in the last seven years. For some months prior to taking up this study I had come to the conclusion that either there was no God at all or else He was not interested in what was going on in this world. I was thoroughly discouraged and disgusted with life, and wanted so much just to slip out of this material existence; in fact, I was constantly studying first one plan and then another by which I could quietly pass out, feeling that whatever was in store for me beyond the grave could be no worse than my trials here, for I was utterly wretched in mind and body. Fondest hopes and ambitions had one by one been crushed to earth. I felt myself physically unable to enter the business world again and earn my own living, yet my home environment was not congenial and was becoming unbearable. I was also suffering from the sense of having been done a great wrong, which was followed by resentment, hatred, and self-pity.
My greatest desire and yearning from childhood had been for a real home, where dwelt love and happiness. I was left and orphan at thirteen years of age and afterwards lived with friends or relatives who, in most instances, had done what they could to make me feel at home with them, yet I always felt myself an outsider. I was looking to a material structure and personalities to furnish happiness, not realizing that only a contented and peaceful mind could ever satisfy, and give the longed for peace and comfort. At this time a dear friend had just begun to study Christian Science and wanted me to buy a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. I was not very anxious to do this, not being able to see how the reading of a book could help me out of my difficulties; but she finally induced me to purchase the book, and it was the best investment I ever made. Through the earnest study of Christian Science and the help of practitioners, I have been lifted out of the mental distress and wretchedness, and am now a strong, healthy, and happy woman. A great deal of fear, resentment, and self-pity has been overcome, and I am learning to love more and see all people as God's ideas. I see good manifested everywhere, and know that God is omnipotent and omnipresent. I now have my own home, in which abide the love, peace, and freedom longed for so many years. Besides this, I have my own business and love my work, and often wish that every one were as happy and contented as I am.
Stomach and chronic bowel trouble have been overcome, also a severe throat disease considered inherited, from which I had suffered untold misery although treated by specialists off and on for several years. In the fall of 1911 the right side of my face and my right hand were badly burned in an accident, but a few minites after the practitioner began treating me I was relieved of the intense suffering, and in an hour was out of pain. A few days later there was not a sign of the injury. I have always been grateful that through previous healings and the study of our textbook, I had gotten so far away from medicine and material remedies that in this extremity I turned solely to God for help, having no other thought, and the healing was perfect.
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November 30, 1918 issue
View Issue-
Thanksgiving Proclamation
Woodrow Wilson with contributions from Robert Lansing
Having Our Own Way
Facing About
Human Resistance to Truth
God Our Defender
An article headed "End of World Near at Hand," reports...
Louis E. Scholl
We are supposed to be a Christian people, supposed to...
John Ashcroft
To the American worker the dangers and fallacies of...
Walter H. Van Zwoll
Access to Right Ideas
William P. McKenzie
The World Peace Conference
William D. McCrackan
"Armor on"
Annie M. Knott
The Lectures
with contributions from Bicknell Young, William L. Moodie, Hermann A. Meybohm
In the Preface to "Miscellaneous Writings" by Mrs. Eddy...
Caroline Hardy Paton with contributions from Henry W. Paton
My apparent delay in expressing my gratitude for the...
A. H. Baldwin
I should like to add my testimony to the thousands...
Frank W. Coghlin
I am more grateful than words can express for the help...
Virginia Miller
There is not a day passes in which I do not have occasion...
Harry C. Smith
Words are inadequate to express one's gratitude for...
Edith A. Duttson
I feel that I have never been grateful enough for what...
Janet L. Branan
For more than twenty years the truth as taught in Christian Science...
Vienna Willcox with contributions from Jennie Burroughs
Signs of the Times
with contributions from R. H. Lampkin, Alcott Farrar Elwell