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Having Our Own Way
The desire and the determination to have one's own way has proved harmful beyond degree. This desire and this determination have on every side been the subtle procurers of evils unspeakable. Masquerading in the guise of legitimate, necessary aids in the establishment of both individual and collective progress and success, these blighting, destructive human tendencies have pushed forth at all costs and done their damage. Not only have they been foremost in influencing and governing intentional, malicious wrongdoers themselves, but they have ofttimes been able to "deceive the very elect" and lead them astray. On page 490 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" Mrs. Eddy says: "Human will is an animal propensity, not a faculty of Soul. Hence it cannot govern man aright. Christian Science reveals Truth and Love as the motive-powers of man."
In Proverbs we read that "every way of a man is right in his own eyes," and here we have the key to the entire situation. Now why are mortal man's ways right in his own eyes? There can be but one answer to this question, namely, because of the selfishness based upon material sense. If there were no selfishness, men and women everywhere would practice the golden rule in its fullness, and would speedily come to understand scientifically and demonstrably God's perfect, holy will and His unchangeable plans and purposes. Then, like the Man of Galilee, they would willingly and gladly subjugate their own so-called wills to the divine will, and become truly unselfish. We thus see plainly that what mortals need most to overcome is self-will of every name and nature, and we see, too, that little or no real advancement can be made until this archenemy is recognized, attacked, and completely annihilated in the individual consciousness.
Christian Science summons its students to give up their own mortal mind ways and to master selfishness. In the exact proportion that they honestly fulfill this vital requirement do they become faithful followers of their unselfish and loving Leader, Mrs. Eddy. There is no place at all in the Christian Science ranks for aught that has to do with selfishness; and he who, when enrolled therein, thinks to succeed by employing selfish means or methods has no true conception of either its teaching or its practice. He who allows himself to be influenced or governed by personal ambition, will power, envy, jealousy, hatred, revenge, or any other phase of selfishness, will sooner or later be rudely shocked by decisive defeat. Christian Science and selfishness, like light and darkness, are antipodal in their very natures, and cannot dwell or work together. But as light dispels darkness, so Christian Science when intelligently applied destroys selfishness.
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November 30, 1918 issue
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Thanksgiving Proclamation
Woodrow Wilson with contributions from Robert Lansing
Having Our Own Way
Facing About
Human Resistance to Truth
God Our Defender
An article headed "End of World Near at Hand," reports...
Louis E. Scholl
We are supposed to be a Christian people, supposed to...
John Ashcroft
To the American worker the dangers and fallacies of...
Walter H. Van Zwoll
Access to Right Ideas
William P. McKenzie
The World Peace Conference
William D. McCrackan
"Armor on"
Annie M. Knott
The Lectures
with contributions from Bicknell Young, William L. Moodie, Hermann A. Meybohm
In the Preface to "Miscellaneous Writings" by Mrs. Eddy...
Caroline Hardy Paton with contributions from Henry W. Paton
My apparent delay in expressing my gratitude for the...
A. H. Baldwin
I should like to add my testimony to the thousands...
Frank W. Coghlin
I am more grateful than words can express for the help...
Virginia Miller
There is not a day passes in which I do not have occasion...
Harry C. Smith
Words are inadequate to express one's gratitude for...
Edith A. Duttson
I feel that I have never been grateful enough for what...
Janet L. Branan
For more than twenty years the truth as taught in Christian Science...
Vienna Willcox with contributions from Jennie Burroughs
Signs of the Times
with contributions from R. H. Lampkin, Alcott Farrar Elwell