In describing the educational phase of Boy Scout work, the chief scout executive declares: "The Boy Scout movement aims to reinforce all of the agencies which make for right living and character development in the youth of America.
ago Christ Jesus said to his disciples, in preparing them for the tribulation which they would encounter in overcoming mortal and material belief, "In your patience possess ye your souls.
Christian Science
renders humanity an inestimable service by furnishing the glorious proof that the spiritual idea of brotherhood is an inviolable fact, however hard mortal mind may seek to reverse it.
those who are growing in the understanding of Christian Science it becomes more and more apparent that every human concept must yield to the true idea.
meetings of Christian Science branch churches usually involve taking account of and reviewing somewhat the status of the organization in general and the consideration of specific needs in particular.
A clergyman is reported to have said at a meeting in Whiteinch Baptist Church that "they had suffered a great deal of vexation of soul" from Christian Science, and that people had gone over to Christian Science "simply because they did not know their Bible.
Christian Scientists are asked to answer a series of questions propounded by a minister of another church, who states: "These are the questions that I should want answered clearly if I were considering becoming a Christian Scientist.
It is not the desire or the practice of Christian Scientists to engage in religious controversies of any sort, and we quite freely accord to "Observer" the right to think as he chooses regarding the Christian Science lecturer's illustrations and explanations to which he takes exception.
The coroner's physician in Chicago furnishes a happy change in the view often presented in the case of those who die under Christian Science treatment and official inquiries follow.
When my former religious faith failed to satisfy or bring me any comfort, I turned to Christian Science, which revealed to me the true nature of God and my relationship to Him, bringing peace and restoring me to useful activity.
O. J. Gross
with contributions from Clarinda A. Gross
I did not come into Christian Science because of any need of physical healing, but when in November, 1914, my wife was healed through its ministrations of a complication of diseases of long standing, I knew it was the truth.
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