To make a successful fight against moving sand-dunes such as those of the Columbia River region and other places along the Pacific coast, the United States must follow the plan adopted by France many years ago and build one great dune in an effort to eliminate many smaller ones.
the study of chemistry the student learns that among the elements there are those of opposite qualities or characteristics, and that, as in the case of acids and alkalies, they can be used in the work of analysis for the purpose of neutralizing each other.
the course of conversation one day between two students of Christian Science, the younger student, who was being helped by the other, said, "I do wish this error would leave me and let me go.
father's faithful watchfulness and constant, loving care of me as a little child, and all through the varied experiences of girlhood, would have left to memory a precious legacy but for one thing.
these times when the temptation to share the world's belief in strife and its attendant terrors is seemingly insistent, Christian Scientists are clinging to the knowledge that peace is the only true state of the universe and man, and they are doing this in a way they perhaps never did before when the world was, outwardly at least, more peaceful.
first the grandeur of God's kingdom breaks in upon the unaccustomed thought, through Christian Science, one held by the mortal sense of life, looking into its shallowness, is prone to exclaim, as did Paul, "Who is sufficient for these things?
Excerpts from an article by the Right Rev. Bishop Ussher
As I see the condition, church partizanship has had its day, and it is time that a hungry world should be spiritually fed on something better than religious husks.
there came to the writer a very practical illustration of how through prayer as taught in Christian Science the "whole armor of God" may not only be put on for ourselves, but the immediate objects of our thoughts may also be protected.
There is a wide difference between what is called suggestion, which proceeds from the action of the human mind, and the practice of Christian Science, which emanates from the ceaseless activity of the divine Mind, the only cause, called God.
In a sermon as reported in the Times such harsh terms were used as "delusion," "dishonor," "of the devil," and a number of others of like nature, to denounce those who disagree with this clergyman's opinion that "the miraculous presence and power of the Holy Spirit were peculiar to the apostolic age and to the church in the beginning.
the healing of the sick is more readily seen and acknowledged than the other reforms which Christian Science has brought about in human experience, the impression has prevailed with many persons that it is the sole objective of this religious system; but such is not the case.
is deeply interesting to read the many admonitions as to rejoicing found in the Bible, and Christian Science is daily bringing these precious gems to light so that we may make them our own.
When the Science of Christianity was brought to my attention seven years ago, I had undergone two surgical operations and was then suffering from a nervous trouble as well as from stomach, intestinal, and liver derangement of thirteen years' standing.
With a heart overflowing with gratitude for the benefits received through Christian Science by gaining an understanding of our loving God and of man's relation to Him, I give this testimony.
I feel a desire to express my gratitude for Christian Science in view of the fact that the members of my family as well as myself have experienced the salutary influence of its teachings in the most positive manner.
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