is often impelled to inquire these days why it should seem incredible to Christian people that the law and power of divine good operate and are available to overcome every phase of evil.
day, while standing in the waiting-room of a railway station, I heard some one behind me say to another who was leaving her, "Well, keep your health.
weeks the writer had been striving as never before to see only God's creation, and to see man as His manifestation, "the compound idea of infinite Spirit; the spiritual image and likeness of God; the full representation of Mind," as we read in Science and Health.
day while pondering over the many wonderful instances given in the Scriptures of the power of Spirit over matter, a student of Christian Science turned by chance to the account of the fall of Jericho as found in the book of Joshua.
instances are related of the seemingly accidental discovery of gold or other valuable minerals in ground over which the feet of men, even those of searchers for such deposits, had often passed unheeding.
Recently a special number, Christian Science extra, The Bible Students Monthly, has been scattered broadcast in a number of American cities, including Brooklyn.
It is unfortunate that the reverend gentleman whose attack on Christian Science appeared in a recent issue of the Record should have based his remarks upon a tract instead of gaining his information from the Christian Science text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs.
In your news columns we find a clergyman reported as saying that a Christian Scientist is not a Christian, first, because he does not accept "Christ's death as a necessary factor in the salvation of his soul," and second, because he does not "admit the deity of Christ.
A contributor whose article on "The New Theology" recently appeared in the Star, has assigned to himself what would seem to be a very difficult if not impossible task when he undertakes to account for the growth, continuity, and prosperity of the Christian Science movement by attributing to its Founder selfish motives and unworthy aims.
paralyzing and stultifying effects of fear are perhaps nowhere more plainly set forth than in the case of the third servant referred to in the parable of the talents.
I wish to express my gratitude for the many blessings received in our home through Christian Science, as we have been greatly helped physically, mentally, morally, financially, and above all spiritually.
I have every reason to feel grateful to God for the immediate healing of my boy, nine years of age, from the results of an accident which occurred at our home.
After being told of a wonderful case of healing through Christian Science, my mother decided to try it for me, as seven physicians had said that they had done all they could and that if we knew of anything else we had better try it.
While I have always tried to love God and trust Him, I did not seem to know how to do so until I came into Christian Science and learned the truth about God and His creation, that He is ever present and can supply all our human needs.
After fourteen years of suffering, during which constant search for health was made through surgery, materia medica, climate, and the like, with little or no relief, Christian Science found me, and from the first hour of reading Science and Health I was healed of severe headaches and a catarrhal inflammation of the stomach.
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